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fellate(fell after中文翻译,fell after是什么意思,fell after发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

fellate(fell after中文翻译,fell after是什么意思,fell after发音、用法及例句)

fell after

fell after发音

英:  美:

fell after中文意思翻译



fell after双语使用场景

1、Other drug stocks mostly fell after a strong performance over the last few sessions.───前几个交易日表现强劲的其他医药个股普遍走低。

2、Last year he said his charitable giving fell after he told the bank's remuneration committee not to give him a bonus after a record-breaking rights issue to bolster the bank's capital cushion.───去年,在汇丰银行为增强资本而进行规模空前的配股之后,他要求银行薪酬委员会不要给他配发奖金,他去年的慈善捐赠因此而有所缩水。

3、measured by skin temperature, heart rate and respiration, also fell after exposure to the tears.───通过测量,闻吸眼泪者的皮肤温度、心率、呼吸也下降了。

4、This may explain why Treasury yields actually fell after the news, while the dollar continued to rise.───这或许能够解释为什么在消息公布后,美国国债收益率不升反跌,而美元则继续走高。

5、An appreciable pause fell after I had closed the doors, a pause that must have lasted fully a minute.───在我关上门后,有一个意味深长的静默,足足有一分钟之久。

6、It looks as if some boulders sit atop layers of ash spewed out by known eruptions of Mount Etna, meaning they fell after Troy did.───看起来好像一些砾石还位于一层灰上,这是著名的埃特纳山爆发时产生的,这些砾石是在特洛伊城陷落之后才落下的。

7、Apollo was about to file an updated prospectus with a price range when the markets fell after Japan's earthquake, so it delayed the filing.───阿波罗本来准备提交附带价格区间的更新后的招股说明书,但刚好赶上日本地震引发股市大跌,所以就推迟了提交。

8、fails fell after the Treasury Market Practices Group (TMPG), an industry body, introduced penalties for late settlement in 2009.───行业机构债券市场监委会在2009年推行了过期付款罚金政策之后,国债交货失败的数量也减少了。

9、Mr Bernanke's words did not much help stocks, which fell after briefly reaching an eight-month high.───但伯南克的话对股市没什么帮助,在短暂触及8个月高点后,股市回落了。

fell after相似词语短语

1、fell over───落在




5、fell for───爱上,倾心



谁可以给我翻译一下Every day go to sleep after you fell asl


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