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littlegame(little game中文翻译,little game是什么意思,little game发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

littlegame(little game中文翻译,little game是什么意思,little game发音、用法及例句)

1、little game

little game发音

英:  美:

little game中文意思翻译



little game双语使用场景

1、Another hyena chances by, and decides to play a little game of tug of war. As you ponder who'll win this struggle, consider this.───另一只土狼恰巧路过,并决定玩一场拔河的小游戏。在你思索谁会取胜时,应该考虑以下。

2、To make this chapter a little bit more exciting, you also create another little game just for the fun of it.───为了让这一章更令人激动,我们来创建一个小游戏玩玩。

3、And write assembly language and editor of a text, and a few little game.───并且编写汇编语言和一个文本编辑器,以及一些小游戏。

4、Introduction: This is the color in Beijing in 1978 to make it a little game.───这是日本彩京与1978年做出来的一个小游戏。

5、From then on prove From then on, Harry decided that this little game he had invented might prove to be expensive.───从那以后,他认识到自己发明的小小恶作剧是要付出很大代价的。

6、It was our little game.───这是我们的小游戏。

7、If you would be so good as to transfer my knight to your king's fourth square I think we may proceed with our little game more accurately.───如果你肯大度地把我的马挪到d4,我想我们就可以更精确地继续我们的小游戏了。

8、Now we can play a little game.───现在我们来做个游戏。

9、I see through your little game.───我看穿了你那套把戏。

2、l see什么意思?

Isee的意思:我明白了,我看见了。Isee英[aɪsi:] 美[aɪsi] 我明白了,我看见了。Isee的用法示例如下:

1.Oh, I see what you're saying 哦,我明白你的意思了。

2.I see your point but I'm not sure I agree with you 我明白你的观点,但恐怕我不能苟同。

3.I see through your little game. 我看穿了你那套把戏。

4.If I see her, I'll tell her you've been trying to reach her. 如果见到她,我会告诉她你一直在尝试联系她。


Isee=Iknow(我明白了,我了解了,我知道了)see的近义词:1.glimpse英[glɪmps] 美[ɡlɪmps] n.一瞥,一看;(古语)闪光;隐约的闪现;模糊的感觉。vi.瞥见。2.look英[lʊk] 美[lʊk] vt.&vi.看,瞧。vi.寻找;注意;面向;看起来好像。2.understand英[ˌʌndəˈstænd] 美[ˌʌndərˈstænd] vt.&vi.懂,理解。vt.了解;领会;默认;听说。

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