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单身派对英文(bachelor party中文翻译,bachelor party是什么意思,bachelor party发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

单身派对英文(bachelor party中文翻译,bachelor party是什么意思,bachelor party发音、用法及例句)

bachelor party

bachelor party发音

英:  美:

bachelor party中文意思翻译



bachelor party双语使用场景

1、choose whether Joey or Chandler will be his best man; he chooses Joey, which seems okay until after the bachelor party when the wedding ring is missing.───他选了乔伊,乔伊在单身派对时把结婚戒指弄丢了。

2、This is like the time you told me I could go to Bernie's bachelor party.───这就跟上次你说让我去伯尼的单身派对时的感觉一样.

3、Are you still sad mom wouldn't let you go to monte carlo for the bachelor party?───还在为妈妈没让你去蒙特卡洛参加单身派对难过呢?

4、Go to attend this single party bid a handsome bachelor to spend weekend with you I will give you 500rmb budget.───你去参加这个独身派对吧,投标一个独身帅哥陪你过周末。我帮你出500块钱。

5、I have the dancers lined up for Kevin's bachelor party.───在凯文的告别单身汉派对上,我让舞者排好.

6、He also looked very hungover from his bachelor party the night before.───他看上去好像酒喝多了正难受,因为昨晚他参加了单身舞会.

7、The custom of a bachelor party before a wedding is often characterized by drunkenness and carousing.───在结婚前夕的单身派对里,通常是醉酒狂欢,宴乐终宵.

8、Isn't the whole point of a bachelor party to still be a bachel?───单身派对的重点难道不是单身么?

9、I was drunk beyond my capacity during my bachelor party.───在我的单身派对上喝高了.

bachelor party相似词语短语

1、dadchelor party───达切罗党

2、bachelor flat───n.单身公寓

3、bachelor girl───独身女子

4、bachelor pads───单身汉垫子

5、bachelor pad───单身公寓

6、bachelor parties───(美)单身汉舞会(尤指婚礼前夕为新郎举行的)

7、bachelor flats───n.单身公寓

8、bachelorette party───女性婚前庆祝会;单身女郎聚会

9、bachelor apartment───n.单身公寓



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