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bend over中文翻译,bend over是什么意思,bend over发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

bend over中文翻译,bend over是什么意思,bend over发音、用法及例句

1、bend over

bend over发音

英:  美:

bend over中文意思翻译


弯腰,弯曲; 伏; 趴


bend over双语使用场景

1、Will you step down and bend over the basin?───请到这边来,把头低向脸盆.

2、Don't bend over your food.───不要趴在食物上。

3、We are going to forward roll now, so, bend over, look at your tummy, and roll!───我们现在要翻跟斗搂, 所以, 弯下去, 看着你的肚肚, 然后翻!

4、I've seen her bend over and kiss them.───我见过她弯下腰来亲吻它们。

5、Bottom line bend over backwards to avoid confusing your customer.───一定要谨守最重要的原则:要用尽一切方法避免混淆顾客.

6、Let's suppose the person alive in 2050 is bald and bend over, has no beard.───假定2050年的那个人是秃头的、驼背的、没有胡子的。

7、Sit up straight: don't bend over your desk.───坐端正: 不要将身体俯伏在书桌上.

8、Just bend over and take It'slut, okay Ma?───你就屈从接受了它 吧 dang妇, 好吗妈妈?

9、She bend over backwards to show it.───她拼命把他显露出来.

10、He needed to bend over to tie his shoelaces.───他需要弯腰把鞋带系上.

11、When I get tired. I bend over the table to rest.───当我累了我就在桌子上趴一会儿这个句子怎么翻译?

12、Or bend over and let your arms dangle , relaxing all your muscles.───或者弓腰垂臂,让手臂垂下摆动, 松驰筋肉.

13、Her parents bend over backwards to please her.───她的父母竭尽全力讨她欢心.

14、We bend over backwards to keep young people out of prison.───我们千方百计使年轻人免致犯罪入狱.

15、What comes across though is a sense that banks must bend over backwards to elevate women.───整篇报告只给人一种感觉,即银行必须不遗余力地提拔女性.

16、My chest pains get worse when I bend over or lie down.───我弯腰或躺下时,胸口痛得更厉害.

17、Sue will bend over backwards to help her friends.───苏会尽全力帮助朋友.

18、You want me to bend over so you can smack me with that paddle?───你想让我弯下好让你用那板子打我?


bend down和bend over的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。;一、意思不同;1.bend down:俯身;2.bend over:弯腰;二、用法不同;1.bend down:基本意思是“弯曲”,指在某一点上施加一个力,使其形成一个有角度的弯曲或转变。引申则指对人施加压力或劝说而使其改变立场或观点,也可指对事实的歪曲。;2.bend over:表示“向…低头〔屈服〕”时,bend常与介词before或to短语搭配使用。bend还常与back,down,in,over等副词小品词连用。;三、侧重点不同;1.bend down:侧重于表示俯身的意思,是有动作的感觉的。;2.bend over:侧重于表达弯腰弯曲的意思是一种状态。

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