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knocked out中文翻译,knocked out是什么意思,knocked out发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

knocked out中文翻译,knocked out是什么意思,knocked out发音、用法及例句

knocked out

knocked out发音

英:  美:

knocked out中文意思翻译



knocked out双语使用场景

1、He was knocked out cold in the second round.───他在第二轮中被击倒失去了知觉。

2、She was knocked out cold.───她完全被打昏了。

3、Our bombers have knocked out the mobile launchers.───我们的轰炸机摧毁了移动火箭发射台。

4、We were completely knocked out by their generosity.───他们的宽宏大量使我们感到十分吃惊.

5、He knocked out his pipe in the big glass ashtray.───他在大玻璃烟灰缸里磕净烟斗.

6、He has now knocked out most of the other competitors.───现在他已击败了大多数的其他竞赛者.

7、He's all knocked out. Still recovering from the operation.───他给折腾得衰竭不堪了, 刚动过手术,仍然需要恢复.

8、The telephone communications were knocked out by the storm.───风暴使电话通讯中断了.

9、He was knocked out in the seventh round.───他在第七回合被打晕了.

10、Several of the child's teeth were knocked out in the accident.───在那次事故中,这孩子的几颗牙齿被打掉了.

11、The diamond must have got knocked out of my ring when I dropped it.───我把戒指掉在地上时,钻石一定是被摔掉了.

12、He got knocked out in the first inning.───他在第1局就被淘汰了。

13、Henri Leconte has been knocked out in the quarter-finals of the Geneva Open.───亨利·勒孔特在日内瓦公开赛四分之一决赛中被淘汰。

14、He was knocked out by a stone hurled at him from the other side of the road.───他被马路对面向他投来的一块石头打昏了.

15、He was knocked out in the third round / in Round Three.───他在第叁个回合就被击倒了.

16、He knocked out five letters in two hours last night.───昨晚,他只花了两小时就写了五封信.

17、A storm has made roads treacherous and knocked out power.───一场暴风雨致使公路隐患重重且电力瘫痪。

18、He had never been knocked out in a professional fight.───在职业拳击赛中,他从未被击倒判败过。

knocked out相似词语短语

1、knocked off───击倒;停工;中断

2、kicked out───v.解雇;开除;把球踢出界

3、clocked out───打卡下班

4、knocked on───被打出的

5、blocked out───封闭;概略画出

6、knock out───敲空;击倒;打破;使筋疲力竭

7、knocked about───漫游,漂泊;殴打


knocked out是knock out的过去式。英 [nɔk aut] 美 [nɑk aʊt]

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