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it's over(it s over中文翻译,it s over是什么意思,it s over发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

it's over(it s over中文翻译,it s over是什么意思,it s over发音、用法及例句)

it s over

it s over发音

英:  美:

it s over中文意思翻译



it s over双语使用场景

1、If it's over, let it go and come tomorrow it will seem. . . So yesterday, so yesterday. I'm just a bird that's already flown away.───因为如果它结束了,那就让它走吧就像明天会到来一样那样的昨天,那样的昨天我只是一只早已飞走的鸟。

2、The police came and said, "You re angry, anxious and it s over." You re endangering others.───警察赶到现场,对他说:“你现在又气又急,该结束了,你在危及他人,回家吧!”

3、It's over, John. Please go.───已经结束了,约翰。请走吧。

4、However, it's over, and I'll take no revenge on his folly; I can afford to suffer anything hereafter!───不管怎么样,事情过去啦,我对他的愚蠢也不要报复,今后我什么都能忍受啦!

5、It's over there. It is just opposite a sort of, you know, playhouse.───就在那儿。对面是一家叫做,你知道,游乐场的地方。

6、It's over for Qaddafi. The only solution is for him to leave the country.───卡扎菲的统治结束了,他的唯一出路就是离开这个国家。

7、You know, it's not just one set, it's not over till it's over. That's one of the best parts about sports.───可是体育就是体育,它的精髓就是在比赛还没有完全结束之前,你就不能说结局已定。

8、"When you walk out of here tonight, it's over, you're done with it, " he said, looking around the room.───“当你今晚离开这里时,这件事就结束了,让这一切都过去吧,”他说,同时环顾整个房间。

9、We pass the ball around and you think it's over but then we score a goal out of nothing.───我们不停传球,你觉得比赛结束了,但是随后,我们打进一个进球,改变了比赛。

it s over相似词语短语

1、picks over───vt.挑选;仔细检查……以便选出优品分档挑选

2、signs over───签字转让,签约出售

3、sits over───坐过去一点;坐在…的上手

4、asks over───请(某人)来自己家

5、gives over───停止;交出

6、ticks over───慢吞吞地工作;进行缓慢

7、tides over───克服,度过;度过困难时期

8、binds over───责令待审;具保;具结

9、stops over───中途停留;暂留;立刻

it is over是什么意思?


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