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filled up中文翻译,filled up是什么意思,filled up发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

filled up中文翻译,filled up是什么意思,filled up发音、用法及例句

filled up

filled up发音

英:[ˈfɪl ʌp]  美:[ˈfɪl ʌp]

英:  美:

filled up中文意思翻译



filled up双语使用场景

1、He filled up his Toyota with regular unleaded petrol.───他把自己的丰田车加满了普通无铅汽油。

2、It works thanks to a water pouch on the front which is filled up to copy the extra weight a woman carries when they are pregnant.───正是由于这个肚子前面的水袋装满后模拟了一个孕妇怀孕时所需要承受的额外重量。

3、The river filled up with sand.───这条河淤满了沙子。

4、He just stared at the baby. He had never seen one of his own kind before, and now - his heart filled up with tenderness.───但柳条丈夫什么也没说,他只是盯着那个婴儿看,他还从来看到过与自己同样的用柳条制成的人,而现在,他的心中充满了柔情。

5、Distress, as a negative emotion, displays as low mood, filled up with sorrow and sadness and easy to be negative and pessimistic.───作为一种负面情感,表现为情绪底下,好忧愁,多伤感,易消极悲观。

6、Our small table had two chairs, and to slide mine around to her side when her eyes filled up would have been loud and awkward.───我们坐的小桌有两把椅子。当泪水涌上她的双眼时,我想要把我的椅子移到她身边。

7、It was not the satisfaction with being a revolutionary, as if the emptiness in this part of personal life can never be filled up .───不是成长为革命者后的幸福,仿佛个人生活这部分空虚是永远没有东西填补得了。

8、The ditches had filled up with mud.───沟渠中积满了淤泥。

9、The day did come when he was to fall down--- he did believe that the sea would be filled up one day , but he was really worn out.───直到有一天,他要倒下了,虽然他不相信海是填不干的,但是他确实精疲力尽了。

filled up相似词语短语

1、dialed up───拔号

2、called up───打电话给;召集;使想起;提出

3、fills up───填补;装满;堵塞

4、dolled up───把…打扮的漂漂亮亮的;打扮得花枝招展

5、filled in───填满;装满

6、dialled up───已拨号

7、filled out───填写;变丰满,变大

8、fill up───填补;装满;堵塞

9、balled up───搞成一团糟;使混乱

full of过去分词?

过去分词是fulled up,例如:

1.The ditches had filled up with mud.沟渠中积满了淤泥。

2.Campsites in the New Forest quickly filled up as thousands decided to spend the holiday under canvas.随着成千上万的人决定到户外宿营度假,新福里斯特的野营地很快人满为患。

3.The ditches had filled up with mud and debris.沟渠中塞满了淤泥和垃圾。

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