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spare part是什么意思(spare parts中文翻译,spare parts是什么意思,spare parts发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

spare part是什么意思(spare parts中文翻译,spare parts是什么意思,spare parts发音、用法及例句)

spare parts

spare parts发音

英:  美:

spare parts中文意思翻译


n.备件( spare part的名词复数 ); 备用; 备用部分; 备用零件; 散件


spare parts双语使用场景

1、Spare Parts management, keep adequate spare parts and consumable.───备品备件管理, 保证有足够的备品备件.

2、Further to our letter of February 5 th, we can now confirm that all the spare parts you requested are available.───为了对我们二月五号那封信作进一步的说明, 我们现在可以保证你们所要的零件都有现货.

3、Will you supply spare parts if we want them?───如果我们需要零部件配件,你们能提供吗?

4、When NASA built Atlantis, they decided to make a complete set of spare parts, with the idea that if any shuttle was damaged, it could easily be repaired.───NASA当初在建造亚特兰蒂斯号时,同时决定打造一整套的备用配件,他们考虑到如果飞船损坏的话,这样维修起来很方便。

5、During the war Frank used to make spare parts for airplanes.───在战争期间,弗兰克曾生产飞机用的零部件.

6、The factory ( work hop, equipment ) produces pipe fittings ( spare parts, fasteners ).───这工厂 ( 车间 、 设备 ) 生产管件 ( 配件 、 紧固件 ).

7、Now , your basic problem is that we cannot provide adequate maintenance or spare parts quickly enough.───你们根本的问题是怕我们不能及时提供充足的维修和足够的零件.

8、In the future the machines will need spare parts and maintenance.───这些机器将来会需要备件和维修保养。

9、Chimps are too scarce, and too nearly human, to be routinely slaughtered for spare parts.───黑猩猩又太少, 也太接近于人类, 不可以作为人器官备用件说杀就杀.

10、OK. Now you've rejected the proposal that we use your warehouse to store spare parts.───对. 而且,你拒绝了我提出的我们使用你们的仓库储存零件的建议.

11、Remember too, you've promised to keep adequate supplies of spare parts and accessories for the machines.───同时,记住, 你们答应储备足够的机器零部件和配件.

12、Stage, load and unload spare parts, equipment and others.───堆放, 装卸备件, 设备及其他.

13、Be responsible for DCS system spare parts and documentation management.───负责DCS系统备件管理及文档整理工作.

14、Is the machine accompanied with some tools ( spare parts, accessories )?───这台机器随机带有一些工具 ( 备件 、 附件 ) 吗 ?

15、HF Han Guan; Bicycles and spare parts; Metal products.───高频焊管; 自行车及零配件; 金属制品.

16、Applied ranges: cars, motorcycles, compressor spare parts, hardware, machinery parts, etc.───应用范围: 汽车 、 摩托车 、 压缩机零配件, 五金 、 机械零件等.

17、To promote service contract and spare parts to existing customers.───向威图客户推广售后服务合同和空调产品的另备件.

spare parts相似词语短语

1、spare tyres───备用轮胎;肥膘

2、star parts───星形零件

3、name parts───和剧名同名的角色

4、spare tires───备用轮胎

5、spare part───备件

6、speaking parts───说话的部分

7、smart carts───智能手推车

8、car parts───汽车零部件

9、spare capacity───备用容量;闲置的生产能力






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