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two dozen中文翻译,two dozen是什么意思,two dozen发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

two dozen中文翻译,two dozen是什么意思,two dozen发音、用法及例句

two dozen

two dozen发音

英:  美:

two dozen中文意思翻译



two dozen双语使用场景

1、Already there were two dozen young men in the place; he found a cornerwhere he stood waiting his turn to be interviewed.───那儿已经来了20多个年轻人,他找了个角落等待着轮到自己面试。

2、He had two dozen oysters and enjoyed every one of them.───他吃了两打牡蛎,每一个都吃得津津有味。

3、He schooled over two dozen Ph.D. students who themselves made major contributions to the field.───他培养了二十多名对该领域做出重大贡献的博士生。

4、Britain, it is said, may have looked isolated after some two dozen countries signed up to the latest half-baked wheeze to save the euro.───虽说在二十几个国家为了给欧盟以喘息之机签字后,英国看起来是被孤立了。

5、At the time, fewer than two dozen of these stem cell lines were of good enough quality to use as a basis for human treatments.───当时,有不超过一打的高品质干细胞能当作人类治疗的主要成分。

6、Two dozen people were perched on pillows. They were the same kind of people you find at a bookstore—a lot of spectacles, lumpy sweaters, laptop bags.───24个人坐在枕头上。他们和你在书店里看到的是同一类人——都带着眼镜、鼓鼓囊囊的毛衣、手提电脑包。

7、She alighted with her young daughter Piper, posed for a picture with a tourist and hurried past two dozen reporters and photographers.───佩林和她的年轻的女儿彼佩一起,摆姿势与游人合影,之后赶紧避开一群记者和摄影师。

8、People come from all over the country to see who can shuck two-dozen oysters the quickest and the best.───全国各地的人们会前来观看谁能在最短的时间内,完美的剥下两打牡蛎。

9、About two dozen unionists staged a protest to call for the immediate setting up of a minimum wage and maximum working hours.───十二个工会团体集会,要求政府立即制订最低工资及标准工时。


加two:two dozen of his books

dozen可用作量词, a dozen of修饰名词时of可省略,但dozens of中的of不能省去。

1、dozens of:几十;许多

2、by the dozen:成打地;按打计算

3、half a dozen adj.:半打,六个

4、a dozen eggs:一打鸡蛋

5、daily dozen:每日健身操;例行公事

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