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still waiting中文翻译,still waiting是什么意思,still waiting发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

still waiting中文翻译,still waiting是什么意思,still waiting发音、用法及例句

1、still waiting

still waiting发音

英:  美:

still waiting中文意思翻译





still waiting双语使用场景

1、The passengers and the suitcases that were still waiting had to be transferred to another plane ..───仍在等待的乘客和行李只得改乘另一架飞机.

2、They still waiting, albeit with growing impatience.───他们还等着, 尽管越来越不耐烦.

3、And they are still waiting on BC.───并且他们仍然在等待燃烧的远征.

4、I'm still waiting for the boss to give me the OK.───我还在等上司点头呢。

5、I'm still waiting for confirmation of the test results.───我仍在等待考试结果的通知书。

6、He could be still waiting for a bus.───他可能还在等公共汽车.

7、We're still waiting for the data from our long - range drones.───我们在等数据从大范围的目标中.

8、Ma Chin's still waiting for us to report back. "───玛金还在那里等我们的回音. ”

9、We have enormous reserves of oil still waiting to be tapped.───我们有巨大的石油矿藏在等待开发.

10、That silly puppy is still waiting outside her door.───那个傻瓜还在她的门外等着呢.

11、Perhaps he is still waiting the bus.───也许他还在等公共汽车.

12、I was still waiting for my turn to bat.───我仍等着轮到自己执棒击球.

13、I'm still waiting for my big break into professional radio!───我依然在梦想有机会进入专业无线电领域!

14、That is what we are still waiting for.───这是我们仍然在等待的东西.

15、I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply.───我上个月给他们写了信,到现在还在等回音。

16、After result was confirmed, she is still waiting.───几经证实的结果是, 她还在等待.

17、Apaza is still waiting for a stroke of luck.───阿帕萨依然等待幸运降临.

18、Thousands of earthquake victims are still waiting to be rehoused.───数千名地震灾民仍在等待安排新住处。

still waiting相似词语短语

1、hill walking───n.丘陵地带的徒步旅行者

2、still hunting───还在打猎

3、in waiting───侍奉;等待中

4、still waters───澄静如水

5、call waiting───[通信]呼叫等待

6、still wine───静止葡萄酒;无气葡萄酒

7、still water───静水




adv. 还;但是;已经

conj. 但是;然而

She bought yet another bag, which angered her husband.



adv. 仍然;更;静止地

adj. 静止的,不动的;寂静的,平静的;不起泡的

n. 寂静;剧照;蒸馏室

conj. 仍然;但是;尽管如此

vt. 蒸馏;使……静止;使……平静下来

vi. 静止;平静;蒸馏

I'm still here waiting for his unknown return without complaint.


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