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手拉手英语(hand in hand中文翻译,hand in hand是什么意思,hand in hand发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

手拉手英语(hand in hand中文翻译,hand in hand是什么意思,hand in hand发音、用法及例句)

1、hand in hand

hand in hand发音

英:  美:

hand in hand中文意思翻译


手拉手,密切合作; 携手


hand in hand双语使用场景

1、" Will he go back with us, hand in hand, we three together, into the town? "───“ 他会跟我们手拉着手一起回去 —— 我们三个人一起进镇子去 吗 ? ”

2、I saw them making their way, hand in hand, down the path.───我看到他们手拉手沿着小路往前走去。

3、hand they went out of the bower, and they were standing in the beautiful garden of their home.───他们手拉着手走出了凉亭,站在他们家美丽的花园里。

4、They walked away hand in hand.───他们手拉手地离去了.

5、For us, research and teaching go hand in hand.───对我们而言,研究和教学是齐头并进的。

6、Bigotry goes hand in hand with intolerance.───愚顽与偏执相伴而来.

7、In all political matters these men went hand in hand.───在所有政治问题上,这些人采取共同行动.

8、An unsought pathos came hand in hand with awe.───与恐惧相随而来的是一种意想不到的悲怆.

9、Insularity and self - containment, it is argued, go hand in hand.───他们争论说, 心胸狭窄和 自我 封闭是并存的.

10、I saw them making their way, hand in hand, down the path.───我看到他们手拉手沿着小路朝前走。

11、Higher returns and higher risk usually go hand in hand.───更高的收益通常伴随着更高的风险。

12、Herr Li geht mIt'seiner Freundin liebvoll spazieren und sogar Hand in Hand.───李先生情意绵绵地和他的女友散步,还手牵手.

13、We anticipated hand in hand cooperates with you, altogether creates magnificently.───我们期待与您携手合作, 共创辉煌.

14、Power and money go hand in hand.───权和钱密不可分.

15、They are dancing hand in hand.───他们手拉手跳舞.

16、They rose up and wandered along, hand in hand and hopeless.───他们站起来,手拉手,绝望地走着。

17、Hand in hand, the two young women walked from the room.───然后两个人手牵手地走出去了.

18、Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture.───工业的发展同农业的发展密切相关.

hand in hand相似词语短语

1、take in hand───承担;尝试;处理

2、go hand in hand───手拉手地前进;紧密联系;息息相关

3、cash in hand───[金融]库存现金

4、hat in hand───毕恭毕敬地;温顺地;恳求地

5、work hand in hand───携手合作

6、hand to hand───逼近地;一个个传过去的

7、cap in hand───毕恭毕敬地;谦恭地

2、hand by hand和hand in hand区别?

从词性看即为:名词十介词十名词 前后两个名词相 同,都为单数,名词前无修饰语,介词位于两个名词中间。



Eg. They walked away hand in hand.


Eg. They walked arm in arm on their way to the fine shops or theatres.


hand in hand也可作比喻性用法:

Eg. Theory must go hand in hand with practice.


Eg. War and misery go hand in hand.



这类结构表示"逐个地、并排地、逐渐"的含义,在句中作状语。hand by hand 不如hand in hand常用,且hand by hand 主要侧重于并排行走.


Eg. Day by day she grew stronger.


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