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set of(sets of中文翻译,sets of是什么意思,sets of发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

set of(sets of中文翻译,sets of是什么意思,sets of发音、用法及例句)

sets of

sets of发音

英:  美:

sets of中文意思翻译



sets of双语使用场景

1、The two sets of figures don't match.───这两组数字不一致。

2、To combine two or more sets of items into one set of any form.───将两个或多个项目集合并成一个任何形式的项目集。

3、The representing sets of integers are pretty dumb.───这些表示整数的集合是相当愚蠢的。

4、and at least two or more sets of spring units held between the upper lid and the spring seat received in the body.───和至少两组以上的弹簧组件,其夹装在收容于上述主体中的上述弹簧台座和上述上盖之间。

5、I'm looking to purchase 3 sets of this oil cooler kit. how much will the total cost be + shipping to singapore? any discounts?───我想购买此油冷却器套件3套。多少将总成本是+传送到新加坡吗?任何折扣?

6、He said the major powers need to lift four sets of sanctions imposed by the U.───他说主要强国应当废除联合国安理会制定的四套制裁措施。

7、He had to make an effort and reason with himself that all sets of people were passing near her and he himself might have come just to skate.───他必须努力控制住自己,他考虑了一下,她周围正有各种各样的人在走动,他自己也可以穿上溜冰鞋滑到那边去的呀。

8、How many sets of prints would you like?───你想洗几套照片?

9、Both sets of diplomats had been given a week to leave their posts.───双方的外交官要在一周内离开职位。

sets of相似词语短语

1、lets on───泄露;假装

2、sets out───出发;开始;陈述;陈列

3、less of───少于…...

4、sets on───唆使;开始;攻击

5、sees of───看见

6、sets off───v.出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开

7、lets off───放出;准许…暂停工作;宽恕

8、gets on───上车,上马;进展,使前进

9、gets off───v.动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等)

a set of books后面用is还是are

the set of books 后面是接be动词 “is” !具体解析如下: 因为由量词“一双、一对、一套(pair, set)”组成的短语,其作主语时,谓语动词是用单数还是复数,关键要看量词(set/pair),量词是单数,动词就用单数is,量词是复数,动词就用are !


A set of keys is on the desk.一串钥匙在书桌上。

Two sets of keys are on the desk.两串钥匙在书桌上。

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