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club ccmnn(club members中文翻译,club members是什么意思,club members发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

club ccmnn(club members中文翻译,club members是什么意思,club members发音、用法及例句)

club members

club members发音

英:  美:

club members中文意思翻译




club members双语使用场景

1、Club members will be given priority.───俱乐部成员享有优先权。

2、'You get to have sleep overs, ' says Carina Kroff, 7, one of the only-child Friday Night Club members.───周五晚间俱乐部“7岁的成员卡瑞娜•克罗夫(CarinaKroff)说,”你可以在别人家过夜。

3、The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.───俱乐部成员确已同意修改他们的入会政策。

4、Mr Madoff was no hawkish salesman. He often turned down the country club members competing to throw money at him.───麦道夫先生并不是那种沿街叫卖的推销者。他时常拒绝那些争相向他抛钱的乡村俱乐部成员。

5、The cost for the trips, which can last one to four weeks, starts at $215 a week for non-club members.───该项可能持续1到4周的行程为非俱乐部成员提供每周215美元的资助。

6、We want you to share this good news and share the joy with us. Please forward this good news to your club members.───希望大家与我们分享这个好消息及快乐。并请大家将这个讯息传给分会会友们。

7、The Group launches the BOC SINO VISA Card in conjunction with the Bank of China specially designed for Sino Club members.───集团于11月与中国银行合作发行专为信和之友而设的BOCSINOVISA信用卡。

8、Club members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops.───俱乐部成员们把书放在公园长椅和公共汽车上,放在火车站和咖啡店里。

9、Club members and guests almost invariably approach me after the meeting to say how much they enjoyed the report, with its unexpected humor.───分会会员和来宾,几乎在会后都会过来告诉我,他们非常喜欢我这种有著出乎意料的幽默式的报告。

club members相似词语短语

1、club membership───俱乐部会员

2、club mosses───石松类


4、crew members───机组人员,机上工作人员

5、cast member───演艺人员,角色成员

6、club member───俱乐部成员;俱乐部会员

7、crew member───乘务员



club members是什么品牌?

club members是(克郎伯.曼波 )CLUB MEMBER服装鞋帽品牌(该商标以于2012年6月19日失效),原隶属于天津市山岚制衣有限公司。公司地址:天津海河工业区兴园路10号。经营范围:针织、梭织服装、皮革服装、羽绒服、羽绒制品生产、加工、销售;箱包、鞋帽、旅游缝制品、面料、服装辅料销售;经营本企业自产产品及技术的出口业务和本企业所需的机械设备、零配件、原辅材料及技术的进口业务。

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