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be confronted with(confronted with中文翻译,confronted with是什么意思,confronted with发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

be confronted with(confronted with中文翻译,confronted with是什么意思,confronted with发音、用法及例句)

confronted with

confronted with发音

英:  美:

confronted with中文意思翻译



confronted with双语使用场景

1、The explorers were confronted with gorges ( that were ) almost impassable and rivers ( that were ) often unfordable.───探险人员面临着几乎是无路可通的峡谷和常常是无法渡过的河流.

2、He was confronted with the evidence.───证据摆在他面前.

3、She was confronted with severe money problems.───她面临严峻的资金问题。

4、Therefore, China is still confronted with a severe challenge on issues of population and development.───因此中国在人口与发展问题上,仍然面临着严峻的挑战.

5、We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now, in the unfolding life and history.───生命和历史在不断展现,而我们面临的是当前的燃眉之急.

6、When confronted with the evidence of her guilt, she confessed.───她面对罪证供认不讳.

7、The prisoner was confronted with his accusers.───犯人被带来与原告对质.

8、I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.───我面对的是一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关。

9、His normal style when confronted with an obstacle was to bulldoze it into submission.───在前进的道路上碰到障碍时,他通常的做法是铲平障碍,继续前进.

10、The new system will be confronted with great difficulties at the start.───新体系开始时会遇到极大的困难.

11、I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.───我面对着一排旋钮、控制杆和开关。

12、Confronted with brute facts, Mr. Baldwin had recoiled.───鲍德温先生遇到残酷的事实就退回来.

13、After being confronted with our evidence, the other side had to back down.───面对我们的证据, 另一方不得不退让.

14、The minority of us are confronted with difficulty in the frontier of the major.───我们少数人在该专业尖端领域面临困难。

15、I was taken to a classroom and confronted with the two brothers.───我被带进一间教室,正好面对着那哥俩.

16、When you're confronted with the problem, emotions kick in, fear kicks in, and you don't always do the rational and thought-out approach.───当面临这个问题时,人会变得情绪激动、恐惧不安,你不一定总能采取理性且慎重的方法。

17、Most people when confronted with a horse will pat it.───大多数人遇见马时都会轻轻地拍拍它。

18、She was confronted with severe money problems.───她面临严重的资金问题。

confronted with相似词语短语



3、collided with───冲突

4、confront reality───直面现实

5、come out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场

6、complete with───包括,连同

7、closed with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束


confronted with面对双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 面临例句:1.Companies in the rich world are confronted with a rapidly ageing workforce. 富裕国家或地区的公司都面临员工迅速地老龄化。

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