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in groups中文翻译,in groups是什么意思,in groups发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

in groups中文翻译,in groups是什么意思,in groups发音、用法及例句

in groups

in groups发音

英:  美:

in groups中文意思翻译



in groups双语使用场景

1、His society lived in groups in caves and survived by hunting.───它们在洞穴中群居并以捕猎为生.

2、Results No hepatocyte necrosis was found in groups B and C.───结果:B、C组再灌注后均无肝细胞坏死.

3、You feel that it's uneconomic to insist that people work together in groups. Why is this?───你觉得要求大家分组工作不划算,这是为什么呢?

4、Please work in groups now.───现在请以小组为单位练习。

5、Arrange the words in groups.───将这些单词分组排列.

6、They watched all night in groups.───他们成群地通宵达旦地守着.

7、Females and cubs clearly derive some benefit from living in groups.───雌兽与幼崽显然受益于群居.

8、Deposit vein distributes in groups . Large ores have circle - type structure.───矿脉具有成群分布的特点,较大矿体具有伟晶岩矿床特有的环带状构造.

9、Guests arrived singly or in groups.───客人有单个来的,也有三三两两一起到的。

10、Use to display listings in an area displayed in groups.───用于显示位于组中所显示的区域中的列表.

11、Many students were already gathered on the athletic field, conversing noisily in groups.───操场里有不少住校的同学, 他们聚成几堆,在谈论什么.

12、The students work in groups on complex problems.───学生们分组研究复杂的问题。

13、Your teacher also talk about working in groups or by yourself.───你的老师也将谈论工作的团体或由你自己.

14、The tasks were arranged in groups, according to age.───这些题目根据年龄分为若干纽.

15、Get involved in groups that can offer intellectual stimulation.───加入一些能够提供智力鼓励的团体.

16、Let's act in groups.───让我们一起来分组表演吧!

17、Do you teach your students singly or in groups?───你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?

18、Objective To investigate the clinic features of electric ophthalmia in groups.───目的探讨群体电光性眼炎的临床特征及救治措施.

in groups相似词语短语

1、azo groups───偶氮基

2、point groups───[晶体][数]点群(等于symmetryclass)



5、pop groups───流行乐队;流行组合

6、amino groups───[化学]氨基(等于aminoradical)

7、soil groups───土壤类群

8、noun groups───名词词组

9、age groups───[林]年龄组

in group和in groups的区别?

in group的意思是集团,小组。in groups 意思是成群结队地

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