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uphill battle中文翻译,uphill battle是什么意思,uphill battle发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

uphill battle中文翻译,uphill battle是什么意思,uphill battle发音、用法及例句

1、uphill battle

uphill battle发音

英:  美:

uphill battle中文意思翻译



uphill battle双语使用场景

1、The state's apple growers are fighting an uphill battle against foreign competition.───该州的苹果种植者们正在与外来竞争进行艰难的抗争。

2、He has an uphill battle against rheumatism.───他与风湿病作艰苦顽强的斗争。

3、It's an uphill battle.───费劲的工作.

4、It had been an uphill battle to achieve what she had wanted.───她经过艰难的奋斗才达到她想要的目标。

5、Itan uphill battle if you have unpleasant or boring tasks to complete today.───今天的战斗对你而言是没乐趣和无聊的.

6、They already know that they face an uphill battle with our ultra mean defensive record.───对着我们的极度不好应付的防守记录,他们已经知道他们面对一场艰苦的战斗.

7、Teaching my youngest son to read was a real uphill battle.───教我那小儿子读书真是件苦不堪言的差事.

8、We'll have to fight an uphill battle, but we can be competitive.───我们势必要打一场硬仗, 但我们是可以有竞争力的.

9、Starbucks also faces an uphill battle.───同时,星巴克也面临一场攻艰战.

10、He faces an uphill battle on both counts.───他所面临的是对这两点的严重挑战.

11、He has an uphill battle against rheumatics.───他与风湿病作艰苦顽强的斗争.

12、Yet Starbucks faces an uphill battle.───然而星巴克也面临着一场攻艰战.

13、It's an uphill battle but I think we're going to win.───虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。

14、It will be an uphill battle.───这将是一场逆境求胜的战斗。

15、Mr. Hester faces an uphill battle to turn the bank around.───赫斯特面临着带领银行扭转局面的艰难挑战.

uphill battle相似词语短语

1、pill bottle───药瓶

2、physical battle───物理战

3、chart battle───海图战役

4、epic battle───史诗般的战役

5、running battle───奔跑的战斗

6、pill bottles───药瓶

7、pill beetle───药丸甲虫

8、costly battle───战争代价高昂

9、air battle───[军][航]空战


歌曲: The Climb 歌手: Live Maria Rogg.. 专辑: 《Circuit Songs》 Miley Cyrus - The Climb / 麦莉·赛勒斯 - 攀登 I can almost see it / 眼前依稀浮现 That dream I'm dreamin' but / 萦绕心头的那个梦境 There's a voice inside my head saying / 脑海里却响起一个声音 you'll never reach it / 你永远也不会到达彼岸 Every step I'm taking / 我迈出的每一步 Every move I make feels /我做过的每件事 Lost with no direction / 无不使我迷失方向 My faith is shakin / 开始动摇的,是我的信念 But I, I gotta keep tryin. / 可我,我还是要继续求索 Gotta keep my head held high / 还是要挺胸抬头、阔步前行 There's always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦 I'm always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开 Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡 Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过 Ain't about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达峰顶 Ain't about what's waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景 It's the climb / 这就是攀登 The struggles I'm facing / 我面对的每次搏击 The chances I'm taking / 我抓住的每次机遇 Sometimes might knock me down but / 有时会令我一败涂地 No I'm not breaking / 却决不会磨去我的意志 I may not know it / 或许我不懂其中的意义 But these are the moments that / 但这些时刻却会成为 I'm gonna remember most, yeah / 我一辈子可以珍藏的回忆,啊 Just gotta keep going / 只管继续前进 And I, I gotta be strong / 我要,我要变得坚强 Just keep pushing on 'cause / 只须奋力前行,因为 There's always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦 I'm always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开 Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡 Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过 Ain't about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰 Ain't about what's waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景 It's the climb / 这就是攀登 Yeah-yeah / 啊 - There's always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦 I'm always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开 Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡 Sometimes you're gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过 Ain't about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰 Ain't about what's waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景 It's the climb / 这就是攀登 Yeah-yeah-yeah / 啊 - - Keep on moving / 继续前行 Keep climbing / 继续攀登 Keep the faith / 坚守信念 Baby / 宝贝 It's all about / 这一切就是 It's all about the climb / 这一切就是攀登 Keep your faith / 坚守你的信念 Keep your faith / 坚守你的信念 Whoa, O Whoa / 喔喔喔 Translated by Tony Chang from LK Lyrics Group

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