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I will be中文翻译,I will be是什么意思,I will be发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

I will be中文翻译,I will be是什么意思,I will be发音、用法及例句

1、I will be

I will be发音

英:  美:

I will be中文意思翻译



I will be双语使用场景

1、I will be discussing the situation with colleagues tomorrow.───我将于明天和同事们讨论这个情况。

2、You are starting out on a Sounds weird , scary, daunting, but incredibly wonderful journey indeed, and I will be there for you when I can.───你将要开始一个无法预测的,可怕的,令人畏缩的,但却非常美好的旅程,我将会尽我可能的在你身边。

3、Oscar: I will be writing how much I enjoyed beating you on the English quiz !───奥斯卡:我要写我英语测验打败了你我有多高兴!

4、Just imagine, in a few years, you and I will be able to afford wheels like that.───嗯~,就算以后我能赚那么多钱,我大概啊也不会用来买那样的车。

5、I will be careful.───我会小心的。

6、My child hasn't baggage with him when he get on, I will be happy if I can give him nice memory in his baggage.───我的孩子们上车时没有什麽行李,如果我能在他们的行囊中留下美好的回忆,我会感到幸福。

7、I will be on leave during the week commencing 15 February.───我将从2月15日开始一周的休假。

8、It will be on the pitch when I am able to say, I am still in some pain and I'll have to wait a few days to see when I will be back.───如果能比赛的时候我会说的,我一直感觉有些疼痛,我不得不等几天,看看什么时候能回到赛场。

9、"Benazir Bhutto was also my sister, and I will be with you to take the revenge for her death, " Mr Sharif said.───谢里夫表示:“贝娜齐尔•布托也是我的姊妹,我将与你们一起为她复仇。”谢里夫也希望在长期流亡后重返政坛,他是布托的另一个竞争对手。

I will be相似词语短语


2、mean well by───我的意思是

3、if need be───如果有需要的话

4、social bee───群居蜂

5、time will tell───时间证明一切(歌曲名)


7、sb will be lucky───某人会幸运的

8、will do───好的


2、I will be什么意思?


Every move you make ,every step you take,i will be watching you


I will be thinking of you, and how nice it would be to have you in my arms。


I will be away from the office on university business until Friday, February


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