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broke into(crowd into中文翻译,crowd into是什么意思,crowd into发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

broke into(crowd into中文翻译,crowd into是什么意思,crowd into发音、用法及例句)

1、crowd into

crowd into发音

英:  美:

crowd into中文意思翻译


(使)充满某空间; 将…强安排进; 挤进(某时间); 涌现于(某人)的脑海


crowd into双语使用场景

1、What associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings?───那临终前的几个小时里我们会产生哪些联想?

2、I followed the crowd into the stadium.───我跟着群众进出运动场.

3、His game - winning goal sent the crowd into a frenzy.───他赢球关键的入门得分让群众为之疯狂.

4、They had managed to crowd into a train.───他们勉强挤上了一列火车.

5、What associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings?───在那临终前的几个小时里会产生哪些联想?

6、Can you hurry the rest of the crowd into the theater ? The performance is about to start!───你能不能叫其他的观众赶快进入 剧场,演出就要开始了.

7、I followed the crowd into the rotunda of the church.───我跟着群众进入教堂的圆形大厅。

8、A good speaker can whip the crowd into a fever of excitement.───她的讲演者可以使听众群情激奋.

9、What associations have to we crowd into those continue hours as mortal bes?───在那临终前的几个小时里咱们会产生哪些联想?

10、Tata may discover a market, only for others to crowd into it.───要不是其他同行的涌进,塔塔可就获得了这个市场.

11、The loud music whipped the crowd into a frenzy.───嘈杂的音乐使人群几近疯狂.

12、His goal sent the crowd into raptures.───他的进球使观众们欣喜若狂。

13、This guy's job was to whip the crowd into a patriotic frenzy.───这个人的工作是煽起人们的爱国狂热.

14、It's too easy to lash a crowd into anger with violent words.───很容易用激烈的言辞激起群众的愤怒.

15、People want to clear up all that means what, hence continuously someone to join the crowd into looking for... for hundreds of years, looking for never had stopped.───人们想弄清晰这些都意味着什么,于是不时有人参加到寻觅的人群中……几百年来,寻觅历来没有中止过。

16、Already , middle - class shoppers crowd into Carrefour, Wal - Mart and Ikea.───中产阶级购物者已蜂拥进家乐福, 沃尔玛 和依高.

17、The activist agitated the crowd into a frenzy.───这个激进主义分子的煽动让在场群众陷入狂热兴奋之中.

18、He could whip a crowd into hysteria.───他能让一群人变得歇斯底里。

crowd into相似词语短语

1、broke into───闯入;破门而入

2、blown into───吹进某处;突然来到某处

3、grow into───成长为;长大到能穿着;变得成熟有经验

4、crowd in───挤进;使拥挤入;把…挤走;在时间表中挤进,强安排进

5、grown into───成长为;长大到能穿着;变得成熟有经验

6、blows into───吹进某处;突然来到某处

7、come into───进入;得到

8、blow into───吹进某处;突然来到某处

9、grows into───成长为;长大到能穿着;变得成熟有经验

2、whip into 和 stir into 的区别 都是搅拌的意思啊

whip into 把…搅成;把…激发成… 这个和意识搅拌食物如

1。Whip the ingredients into a smooth paste.把配料搅拌成均匀的糊状。


1。So you can rule your world in style and whip me into shape.



1。A good speaker can whip the crowd into a fever of excitement.


stir into 搅拌 这个就是搅拌一些食物啊什么的 具体的东西

你看例句1。Stir into ham mixture; set aside.拌入火腿混合物中,放一边。

2。Beat the eggs, milk and melted butter together and stir into the dry ingredients to make a thick batter.将鸡蛋,牛奶和溶化的奶油搅拌均匀后与筛好的干粉混在一起,用力搅拌成浓稠的糊状物。



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