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come in handy中文翻译,come in handy是什么意思,come in handy发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

come in handy中文翻译,come in handy是什么意思,come in handy发音、用法及例句

come in handy

come in handy发音

英:  美:

come in handy中文意思翻译



come in handy双语使用场景

1、A few more traveller's cheques may come in handy on holiday.───多几张旅行支票到假期可能会有用的.

2、That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out.───要是你把自己锁在了屋外,那把钥匙就派上用场了。

3、That thousand dollar prize money should really come in handy.───那1000美元奖金会十分有用的.

4、I should keep those pieces of wood; they may come in handy.───我应该把那些木头块留着, 它们迟早会有用的.

5、Men sure come in handy at times like this.───像这种时候,男人可真派上用场了.

6、Don't throw that plastic bag away; it may come in handy.───别把那个塑料袋扔了, 会用得着的.

7、This pocket dictionary may come in handy now and then.───这本袖珍词典有时候倒可能挺有用的.

8、It may come in handy.───这东西迟早会有用处.

9、may find it useful in future.; It may come in handy someday.───这东西日后可能用得着。

10、The modem may also come in handy if you travel frequently.───要是你经常旅行,弹跳数据机也许很方便.

11、A few more traveler's checks may come in handy on holiday.───多带几张旅行支票,度假时会有用的.

12、It may come in handy someday.───这东西日后可能用得着。

13、Please keep the memo. It may come in handy later on.───这是您的钱,请保留兑换单,以后会有用的.

14、These travel's check are going to come in handy on our vacation.───这些旅行支票在我们度假时会派上用场的.

15、Don't throw that away—it might come in handy.───别把它扔了—它或许有用。

16、This is where those math classes you took come in handy.───这是那些数学分类的地方你轮流受到在的影响便利的.

17、Of course we have to consider action taker may come in handy.───当然还给思考不不安纵者本人得心答手.

come in handy相似词语短语

1、cap in hand───毕恭毕敬地;谦恭地

2、come to hand───到手;偶然找到

3、come and───来吧

4、cotton candy───棉花糖

5、clean hands───n.清白;老实

6、come in for───受到;接受;得到

7、take in hand───承担;尝试;处理

8、cash in hands───[金融]库存现金

9、cash in hand───[金融]库存现金

用come in造句?

I glanced up quickly to see who had come in.


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