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straighten up(straight up中文翻译,straight up是什么意思,straight up发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

straighten up(straight up中文翻译,straight up是什么意思,straight up发音、用法及例句)

straight up

straight up发音

英:  美:

straight up中文意思翻译


正直的; 确实的; 直率地

straight up双语使用场景

1、I saw it—straight up!───我亲眼看见了—真的!

2、Go straight up this street. You'll see it on the right.───这条街直走. 在你的右手边会看到.

3、Walking straight up , he was upon him before he could turn away.───他一直走上前去,不等对方转身走开,就招呼起来.

4、She went straight up to the door.───她一直走到门口.

5、The smoke rose straight up.───那股烟直线上升.

6、He did not hurry and he kept his lines straight up and down.───他并不匆忙,让那些钓索保持着上下笔直的位置.

7、Mountains rise straight up.───群山耸立.

8、We are sure that there is sb in the house because we see smoke rise straight up in the air.───我们确信房子里有人,因为我们看到有烟冒出来.

9、You may say, " I'd like the drink straight up, " which means without ice.───你可以说 “ 我要不掺东西的饮料, ” 那就是不放冰的意思.

10、She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly.───她径直走到门前大声敲门。

11、I ran straight up to Columbia County, then turned East, came down the Harlem Valley and thence home.───我一直跑到哥伦比亚县,然后向东转,沿着哈勒姆山谷,从那里回到家。

12、We just go straight up the Boston Post Road.───我们就径直沿着波士顿邮政大道走。

13、He gazed straight up into the gray sky and knew that he was hungry.───他仰视着灰色的天空,知道肚子饿了.

14、She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly.───她径直走到门口重重地敲门.

15、We just go straight up the Bristol Road.───我们就沿着布里斯托尔大道直走。

16、The air is so still that the smoke is rising straight up from the fire.───空气静止不动,烟从火上垂直升起.

17、The man, arms folded over his chest, stood straight up like a statue of bronze.───这个人双手在胸前交叉, 像一尊铜像站得很挺直.

18、With his mouth shut and his tail straight up and down we sail like brothers.───鱼闭着嘴,尾巴直上直下地竖着,我们像亲兄弟一样航行着.

straight up相似词语短语

1、straightens up───好转;改正;清理

2、straighten up───好转;改正;清理


4、straight bat───直棒

5、straight pin───n.[五金]圆柱销

6、straightened up───好转;改正;清理

7、straight off───立即;马上

8、straight man───n.滑稽演员的配角;异性恋

9、straight men───n.滑稽演员的配角;异性恋

straight up什么意思?

straightup 真的; 英[streitʌp] 美[stretʌp] [例句]Wejustgo straight up theBristol Road我们就沿着布里斯托尔大道直走。

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