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Off the wall中文翻译,Off the wall是什么意思,Off the wall发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

Off the wall中文翻译,Off the wall是什么意思,Off the wall发音、用法及例句

Off the wall

Off the wall发音

英:  美:

Off the wall中文意思翻译



Off the wall双语使用场景

1、The ball rebounded from / off the wall into the pond.───球从墙上弹回来掉进池里.

2、The cat uncurled itself and jumped off the wall.───那猫伸直了腰跳下墙头。

3、They washed those marks off the wall.───他们把墙上的那些印记洗掉了.

4、The paint peeled off the wall.───油漆从墙壁剥落.

5、We scratched the paint off the wall.───我们刮掉了墙上的油漆.

6、Let's wash those marks off the wall.───咱们把那些印记从墙上洗掉.

7、He picked the telephone off the wall bracket.───他从墙上的固定托架上摘下电话。

8、The ball bounced off the wall.───球从墙壁上反弹回来.

9、He stripped the paper off the wall.───他把纸从墙上撕去.

10、The bullet glanced off the wall.───子弹擦过墙壁.

11、She patiently scrubbed the dirty marks off the wall.───她耐心地擦去墙上的污渍.

12、The ball rebounded off the wall.───球从墙壁弹回.

13、The plaster is scaling off the wall.───灰泥从墙上剥落.

14、paint was peeling off the wall in places.───墙上有几处油漆剥落了。

15、Some of his ideas are really off the wall.───他有些想法真是十分新奇。

16、It can be done without following some absurd, off-the-wall investment strategy.───不用遵照那套荒唐愚蠢的投资策略也可以做到。

17、The paint scaled off the wall.───漆从墙上剥落.

Off the wall相似词语短语

1、off the map───不重要的;不存在的;不易到达的

2、off the wagon───不再戒酒

3、off the bat───马上;立刻

4、off the rails───出轨的;混乱的,神经错乱的

5、hit the wall───撞墙期;(长跑运动员)突然跑不动了

6、off the air───停播,停止广播;广播中止



\"off the wall\" 是美国 70 年代产生的口语,有“不寻常的”,“狂热的”,“不能想象的”意思。VANS 用这个广告语就是为了阐述了它所代表的滑板文化中年轻人狂放不羁追求自我的风格。

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