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white feathers中文翻译,white feathers是什么意思,white feathers发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

white feathers中文翻译,white feathers是什么意思,white feathers发音、用法及例句

white feathers

white feathers发音

英:  美:

white feathers中文意思翻译



white feathers双语使用场景

1、It is black with white feathers and a red beak.───它是黑色的,有白色的羽毛和一个红色的嘴。

2、In particular the lamp on the Nazhi carrier pigeon, with its pointed beak, long tail, white feathers shine in the light of twilight.───特别是台灯上那只信鸽,它尖尖的嘴,长长的尾巴,洁白的羽毛,在灯光的余晖中熠熠生辉。

3、She has green feathers, black eyes and yellow feet. She has white feathers on her head.───它长着绿色的羽毛,黑色的眼睛,黄色的脚,它的头上还有白色的羽毛。

4、Kuji saw mountains and forests, snow-white feathers continue to slowly drift under gently fluttering in the wind .───只见满山枯寂的树林,雪白的羽毛不断地慢慢飘下,轻柔地在风中飞舞……

5、They were marked red on some of their white feathers.───在它们的一些白色羽毛上涂上红色。

6、As he bustled her along, Libby turned her head round and looked at the receding heap of dirty white feathers.───当他匆匆忙忙地把她带走时,利比回过头看了看那堆渐渐变得模糊的白色羽毛。

7、Young eagles don't have white feathers.───小鹰不长这些白羽毛。

8、As she pecked her feathers, one of her white feathers fell down to the ground suddenly.───在她梳理羽毛的时候,突然有根羽毛落到了地上。

9、"I just want to make people happy, " she said, wearing a bikini covered in white feathers and with angel wings.───我只是想让人们高兴,“她说,身穿点缀着羽毛和天使翅膀的黑色比基尼。”

white feathers相似词语短语

1、white tea trees───白茶树

2、white matters───[解剖]白质(脑及脊髓的)

3、white settlers───白人移民定居者

4、white meters───白色仪表

5、white waters───浪花;溅起白色浪花的水面

6、white leather───白革;矾鞣革

7、ice feathers───冰羽毛

8、white feather───白羽毛(怯懦的象征);胆怯,害怕

9、white leathers───白革;矾鞣革



It was crazy of you to go skating on such thin ice.


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