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purchasing power parity中文翻译,purchasing power parity是什么意思,purchasing power parity发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

purchasing power parity中文翻译,purchasing power parity是什么意思,purchasing power parity发音、用法及例句

purchasing power parity

purchasing power parity发音

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purchasing power parity中文意思翻译



purchasing power parity双语使用场景

1、This is known as purchasing power parity.───这便是购买力平价理论.

2、Material standard of living is measured by gross domestic product per head at purchasing power parity.───物质生活水平则是以按购买力平价计算的人均国内生产总值(GDP)来衡量.

3、Purchasing power parity was developed by Swedish economist Karl Cassel.───购买力平价是由瑞典经济学家卡尔.卡瑟尔所研究提出.

4、Describe the economic logic behind the theory of purchasing - power parity.───购买力平价理论背后的经济逻辑.

5、The theory of purchasing - power parity ( PPP ) implies that high - inflation currenciesshould depreciate, relative to harder monies.───根据购买力平价理论推导,高通胀货币应当对低通胀者贬值.

6、Now consider the projections, measured at purchasing power parity, for 2015.───现在看看按购买力平价衡量的2015年预测值.

7、Purchasing - power parity is a long - run concept.───购买力平价只是个 长期 的概念.

8、It might deliver even more: since India's output per head (at purchasing power parity) is roughly a fifteenth of that of the US, the potential for fast growth is huge.───结果甚至可能更高:印度人均产出(按购买力平价计算)大致是美国的十五分之一,因而存在巨大的快速增长潜力。

9、The new standard was set according to what economists call purchasing power parity.───新的标准是根据经济学家所说的同比购买力设定的.

purchasing power parity相似词语短语

1、purchasing departments───[贸易]购货部

2、purchasing power───n.购买力

3、purchasing department───[经管]采购部门;供应科

4、purchasing officer───采购员

5、increasing popularity───日渐流行;日益普及

6、purchasing officers───采购员

7、purchasing powers───n.购买力


PPP是公共私人合作伙伴关系(Public-Private Partnership)的缩写,是指政府与私人公司或组织之间就公共项目或服务进行合作的一种机制。PPP旨在通过整合公共和私人部门的资源和专长,提供高质量、高效率和可持续的公共服务。在PPP合作中,政府通常提供项目基础设施、土地或政策支持,而私人部门负责项目运营、管理和投资。PPP合作的领域广泛,包括交通运输、能源、教育、医疗和水务等。通过PPP合作,政府可以减轻财政压力,提高公共服务的质量和效率,同时私人公司也能获得商业机会并分享项目风险和回报。

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