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fly off中文翻译,fly off是什么意思,fly off发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

fly off中文翻译,fly off是什么意思,fly off发音、用法及例句

fly off

fly off发音

英:  美:

fly off中文意思翻译


飞出,飞跑; 突然跑掉


fly off双语使用场景

1、Still unsolved is what makes the bees fly off into the wild yonder at the point of death.───然而究竟是什么原因促使蜜蜂飞到野外死亡的问题还没有得到解决。

2、The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.───海鸥飞去, 波涛滚滚地流开,我们也分别了.

3、Your boss seems to fly off the handle.───你老板似乎很生气。

4、When the time comes, they fly off quietly to die outside -- they don't come back. "───蜜蜂是很懂事的,活到限数, 自己就悄悄死在外边, 再也不回来了. ”

5、The seagulls fly off roll away and we depart.───海鸥飞走了,波涛滚滚地退去,我们也将各自起程了.

6、There gulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.───海鸥飞去, 波浪滚滚的流开,我们也分别了.

7、Don't fly off at a tangent, stick to the subject.───紧扣主题,不要跑野马.

8、Can't you fly off with the rest of the team?───你能不能与其他队员一起乘飞机离开?

9、When birds fly off in alarm, there might be someone about.───鸟儿惊飞, 附近一定有人.

10、A plane this size can't fly off such a short runway.───这样大的飞机无法从这么短的跑道上起飞.

11、We can fly off to Rome a moment's notice!───我们可以心血来潮,飞到罗马去.

12、You consider I have to fly off the bridge?───你以为我能飞下这座桥 吗 ?

13、When you're twenty - one , you can fly off anyplace you want.───等你到 二十一 岁, 你爱到哪儿就可以飞到哪儿去.

14、I watched her fly off of her bike and skid several feet along the harsh pavement.───我看着她从她的自行车上飞落,在粗糙的人行道上滑了几英尺。

15、" Don't fly off the handle , Pao - sheng ! "───“ 葆生,不要急!

16、The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly.───气球会飞走通过空气非常快.

17、They fly off the belt as if snatched by an invisible hand.───好像有一只无形的手将瓶子拽走.

18、He watched the thrushes fly off to the right.───他看见两只鸟向右边飞去,他的心里充满了强烈的渴望.

fly off相似词语短语

1、buy off───v.收买;出钱以摆脱

2、dry off───烘干,弄干

3、far off───遥远的;久远的;遥远地

4、fell off───跌落

5、day off───休息日,放假日

6、play off───使出丑,使暴露弱点;使相斗;把…假装

7、cry off───取消前约;打退堂鼓

8、fall off───减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退




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