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working hard中文翻译,working hard是什么意思,working hard发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

working hard中文翻译,working hard是什么意思,working hard发音、用法及例句

working hard

working hard发音

英:  美:

working hard中文意思翻译



working hard双语使用场景

1、He started working hard much too late in the day—he couldn't possibly catch up.───他开始努力工作已为时太晚—不可能赶上了。

2、He attributes his success to working hard.───他认为他的成功是艰苦工作的结果.

3、You've really been working hard in the past few days.───你们这两天真够辛苦的.

4、You've been working hard all day. You need a rest.───你累了一天, 该休息了.

5、I like the happy medium of working hard during the week and enjoying myself at weekends.───我喜欢平日努力工作,周末玩个痛快的折中办法.

6、He had been working hard and was perspiring profusely.───他一直在努力干活,身上大汗淋漓的.

7、He seemed to be working hard, but was just running round in circles.───他看起来工作很紧张, 其实不过是在瞎忙一气.

8、Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour, the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations.───全国各族人民意气风发, 斗志昂扬,为实现四个现代化而奋战.

9、Are you working hard, or hardly working?───你是努力工作还是几乎不工作?

10、He's tied up with his new book. He's working hard, you know.───他正忙他那本新书。他在辛勤工作,您是知道的。

11、The peasant household has become prosperous through working hard.───这户农家已经通过勤劳变得兴旺发达了.

12、He is working hard at physics.───他在攻读物理学.

13、They are working hard to produce a program - controlled computer.───他们正在努力制造一台程序控制计算机.

14、He's been working hard all day.───他辛劳地工作了一天.

15、His failure resulted from not working hard enough.───他的失败是工作不够努力造成的.

16、We take off our hats to those who are quietly working hard.───我们对那些默默无闻地刻苦用功的人脱帽表示敬意.

17、He's tied up with his new book. He's working hard, you know.───他正忙他那本新书--你要知道他现在确实很努力工作。

18、He was working hard to keep control of himself.───他正努力克制自己。

working hard相似词语短语

1、working back───v.加班工作

2、working days───[劳经]工作日

3、working hours───工作时间

4、working farm───[法]劳教农场

5、working party───工作小组

6、work hard───努力学习;辛勤工作

7、working day───工作日;工作的日子

hard-working、hard working、working hard区别?

hard-working是adj. 不是名词 hard working就是hard-working working hard 例:He is working hard for the finals. 他正在努力准备期末考试。

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