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the hermitage中文翻译,the hermitage是什么意思,the hermitage发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

the hermitage中文翻译,the hermitage是什么意思,the hermitage发音、用法及例句

1、the hermitage

the hermitage发音

英:  美:

the hermitage中文意思翻译



the hermitage双语使用场景

1、It houses one of the worlds most famous art museums: the Hermitage.───它里面有世界上最有名的艺术博物馆: 赫米提巨博物馆.

2、Experience true southern hospitality at the Hermitage hotel, a luxury Nashville hotel.───体验真正的南方黑里米·塔格酒店,豪华的酒店。

3、Wasn't the Hermitage created to satisfy those dreams?───这个隐蔽的地方不是被用来满足这些梦想?

4、I think she will be pleased with the hermitage.───我想,她一定会喜欢我们这个幽静的小地方。

5、His acclaimed art collection, sold to Russia in 1779, became part of the Hermitage Museum collection.───他所收藏的艺术品于1779年卖给俄国, 成为爱尔米塔什博物馆的收藏品.

6、We dance on the green, dine at the hermitage, and wander in the woods by moonlight.───我们在绿茵上跳舞,在僻静的住所晚餐,在月光下漫步于森林中。

the hermitage相似词语短语

1、the Hermitage───隐士

2、the stage───戏台

3、the Permian───二叠纪

4、dual heritage───n.双重遗产

5、the atomic age───原子时代

6、the Gopher State───地鼠国




2、state hermitage museum是什么意思?

state hermitage museum艾尔米塔什博物馆双语例句1The director of the state Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, an art worldluminary, often draws a crowd.作为艺术界的一位巨匠,这位圣彼得堡冬宫博物馆(state hermitage museum)馆长通常都会吸引很多的观众。 2People walk to Dvortsovaya Square ( Palace Square) in central St. Petersburg towatch the New Year laser show to celebrate the New Year, in front of the StateHermitage Museum.人们前往圣彼得堡市中心的宫殿广场庆祝新年,观看国立艾尔米塔什博物馆前的新年激光表演。

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