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you need中文翻译,you need是什么意思,you need发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

you need中文翻译,you need是什么意思,you need发音、用法及例句

you need

you need发音

英:  美:

you need中文意思翻译



you need双语使用场景

1、is to see if you need to get your partner's attention before talking for them to hear what you say.───是为了看你是不是需要在你想要让他们听到你说话的之前,得到你另一半的注意。

2、You need a break from routine.───你需要从日常工作中解脱出来去休息一下。

3、you need a visa for the USA?───你需要美国签证吗?

4、Do you need any help with that?───这事你需要帮忙吗?

5、Being on your back also allows you to get as much air as you need.───是在你的背后也允许你获取尽可能多的空气,作为您所需要的。

6、You need to be prepared to understand the overall design as well as the intricacies of XForms and how each feature works.───您需要掌握XForms的总体设计和复杂性,以及每种特性的原理。

7、Like most men in thirties, you will know how much you need to pay back when seeing your parents' hair turn grey.───和绝大多三十多岁的男人一样,当你看到父母的头发变白时,你知道你要回报多少。

8、I cannot change your past with its heartache and pain, nor the future with its untold stories, but I can be there when you need me to care.───我不能改变你伤痕累累的过去,也无法左右你精彩纷呈的未来,但当你需要慰藉的时候,我就会来到你的身边。

9、So, when the hypervisor polling cycle probed the LPAR, it asked, "How much CPU did you need? "───因此,当系统管理程序轮询循环探测到那个LPAR时,它问“您需要多少CPU?”

you need相似词语短语

1、in need───在危难中;在穷困中的

2、you bet───当然;肯定地

3、you see───你瞧;你是知道的

4、you mean───你的意思是说

5、you get───你得到了


7、to need───需要

you need 后面接什么?


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