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run away中文翻译,run away是什么意思,run away发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

run away中文翻译,run away是什么意思,run away发音、用法及例句

1、run away

run away发音

英:  美:

run away中文意思翻译



逃跑,走掉; 逃脱; (使)流走[掉]; 出奔

run away常用词组:

thermal runaway───[电]热逃逸;热逸溃

runaway inflation───[经]恶性通货膨胀

run away双语使用场景

1、If we don't speak of our achievements, they won't run away . If we don't find out our faults , we'll be in a bad way.───成绩不夸跑不了, 缺点不找不得了.

2、Don't let your imagination run away with you.───休要异想天开.

3、Powell let his libidinous imagination run away with him.───鲍威尔淫心顿起,浮想联翩。

4、You're letting your imagination run away with you.───你这是在想入非非。

5、The robber tried to run away but a man tackled him.───强盗企图逃跑,但一个人把他抓住了.

6、The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and run away.───那(两个)人吓得把手提包一丢就跑开了.

7、If you fling yourself at that boy, he's likely to run away.───如果你向那个小伙子献殷勤, 他大概会逃掉.

8、Knowing her father's opposition to the young man, Nina decided to run away with him.───知道父亲反对那个年轻人, 尼娜决定和他私奔.

9、I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away.───我再也受不了了。我要逃走。

10、The candidate tried to run away from controversial issues by pretending to be ill.───这位候选人佯装生病,以回避参与一些争论性的问题.

11、We hear of women who run away, leaving behind their homes and families.───我们听说有女人离家出走,扔下了家人不管。

12、He and I were always planning to run away together.───我和他一直盘算着一起私奔。

13、His first instinct was to run away.───他的本能反应就是逃跑。

14、Many girls who run away to London eventually go on the streets.───很多逃到伦敦来的姑娘最后都沦为妓女.

15、They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord.───他们避开了这个问题,希望它不了了之。

16、I had to run away from my creditor whom I made a usurious loan.───我借了高利贷不得不四处躲债.

17、Don't run away with the idea that you can call me up at any time of the day or night.───切莫以为你可以在白天或晚上随时打电话给我.

18、Most of the victims were shot in the back while trying to run away.───大多数受害者在设法逃跑时从背后被枪杀.

19、Keep an eye on that rascal. Don't let him run away.───看住他,别让这坏家伙跑了!

20、Run, run, run, run away from my psychotic teammate!───逃啊, 逃啊, 逃啊, 逃离我的精神病队友!

21、When found, the children said they'd run away for a dare.───找到这些孩子时,他们说自己是受了激将才出走的。

22、When he tried to run away, I got him by the neck.───当他想逃跑时, 我一把将他捉住.

23、You can't run away for ever.───你不能永远逃避。

24、Smith has run away from home, but his family are putting a good face on it.───史密斯已经离家出走, 但他的家人却装作若无其事.

25、They never became tame; they would run away if you approached them.───它们从没有被驯服,如果你靠近,它们就跑开了。

26、It's very easy for us to run away with the idea that we can control everything.───我们轻易就会误以为自己可以控制一切。

27、The sudden appearance of her divorced husband caused her to run away.───她那离了婚的丈夫突然出现,她便跑开了.

28、He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself surrounded.───他试图逃跑,但发现已被包围时只好放弃了这个念头。

29、I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away.───我再也忍受不了了,我打算逃跑。

30、They discovered the murderer to have run away.───他们发现凶手已逃之夭夭.

31、The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away.───警察突然出现,小偷就逃跑了.

32、So let's not be hasty. After all, he can't run away.───所以我们不要鲁莽行事。毕竟他是跑不掉的。

run away相似词语短语


2、turn away───避开;解雇;不准…入内;走开;转过脸

3、put away───放好;抛弃;储存

4、runs away───逃跑;失控

5、ran away───逃跑;跑开

6、run aways───逃跑;失控

7、burn away───烧掉;继续燃烧;逐渐消失

8、rot away───烂掉;腐烂

9、rust away───锈烂




He ran away from home when he was only twelve.


His first instinct was to run away.


I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away.


They never became tame; they would run awayif you approached them.


Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.


How can you run away like that?


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