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open question中文翻译,open question是什么意思,open question发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

open question中文翻译,open question是什么意思,open question发音、用法及例句

1、open question

open question发音

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open question中文意思翻译




open question双语使用场景

1、Moore's arguments had logic analysis, and he used the an unique test of an open question.───摩尔的论证既有逻辑分析, 又运用了独特的“开放问题”检验法.

2、But there is still an open question mentioned in the section "Introduction into the Two-Phase-Commit protocol". What to do, if "Phase 2" failed for a transaction branch?───但是“两阶段提交协议简介”小节中提到仍然存在一个问题,那就是如果第2阶段中一个事务分支发生故障,该怎么办呢?

3、I don't believe that markets are efficient, and it doesn't really seem like it should be an open question.───我不相信市场是有效的,这似乎也不是一个开放式的问题。

4、An open question can be as simple as how are you?───我们做它用问题来攻击我们的交谈.

5、It is an open question how long that commitment can last.───这一承诺能维持多久还不确定。

6、The origin of the room is virtually an open question at this time.───实际上,到现在为止,月球的起源还是个未解之谜.

7、A UN official said he thought it was an open question whether sanctions would do any good.───一位联合国官员表示,他认为对于制裁是否能够起到作用这个问题,尚无定论。

8、Welch, who lives in Boston full time, will pursue The Boston Globe remained an open question.───一位亲近他的人士说,他一直在找[他可以长期潜心投入的志业].

9、How much good all of this will do is an open question.───这些措施将会带来多少成效仍有待回答.

10、The effect claim change will have on weather and crops remains a open question.───气候变化对天气和农作物的影响仍无定论.

11、Whether this reputation is deserved is an open question.───这些声誉是否名副其实有待验证.

12、Whether nations can settle their differences without war is an open question.───国与国之间的分歧能否不用战争来解决是个悬而未决的问题.

13、A British official said he thought it was an open question whether sanctions would do any good.───一位英国官员表示,对于制裁是否能够起到作用,他认为尚无定论。

14、How many people will lose their jobs is an open question.───有多少人将要失业,这一问题尚无定论.

15、The phylogenetic relationship of Shennongjia white bear has been an open question.───神农架白熊的分类地位从它被发现后就一直存在着争议.

16、This is an open question at the moment.───此刻这还是个悬而未决的问题.

17、However, the comparability of flame spread in different gravity is still an open question.───但是, 不同重力下火焰传播的相似性仍然是有待研究的问题.

open question相似词语短语

1、open audition───n.海选;甄选

2、vexed question───难解决的问题

3、complex question───复杂问题

4、open questions───开放式问题

5、bonus question───附加题;加分题

6、tough question───棘手的问题

7、in question───讨论中的;成问题的;考虑中的

8、loaded question───n.既定观点问题;别有用心的问题

9、moral question───道德问题

2、closed question和open question的区别?


open question 开放式问题。close question 封闭式问题。开放式问题是没有预先想好的答案供选择,自由回答。封闭式问题是预先想好答案,让回答者从中选择。


What is your favorite color?

So I'm asking you what your favorite color is, you could say any color you like.


Do you like blue?

I don't think there are any other answers here other than "Yes" or "No," so those are "closed" questions

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