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leakage current中文翻译,leakage current是什么意思,leakage current发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

leakage current中文翻译,leakage current是什么意思,leakage current发音、用法及例句

1、leakage current

leakage current发音

英:  美:

leakage current中文意思翻译


n.泄漏电流; 漏流

leakage current双语使用场景

1、This allows the leakage current to flow continuously while it is being charged up.───这样就使得漏流在其充电器件亦可连续流通.

2、For photoflash, lug type, low loss factor and low leakage current.───闪光灯用焊片式产品, 具有低损耗, 低漏电等特点.

3、For photoflash, lug type, miniaturized, low leakage current reduces battery consumption.───闪光灯用焊片式缩体产品, 漏电流小, 可减少电池消耗.

4、For phlto - flash, Lug type, Low loss factor and low leakage current.───闪光灯用焊片式产品, 具有低损耗等特点.

5、This paper suggests a new method to measure the resistance leakage current wirelessly for metal - oxide arrester.───提出了一种测量金属氧化物避雷器阻性泄漏电流无线检测的新方法,该方法包括发送和接收两个装置.

6、The insulation could be characterized by measuring the leakage current of bushing.───通过测量断路器环氧套管的泄漏电流来表征绝缘特性.

7、Diagram 1: Evolution of leakage current as a function of test voltage.───图1漏电电流随电压变化的函数图。

8、What is bleed off current and leakage current differentiate.───泄放电流与泄漏电流的区别?

9、Medical or low leakage current requirements compact design electronic equipment.───医疗或低漏电流需求,集成设计电子设备。

10、Low leakage current, wide temperature, high stability.───产品漏电流小, 宽温度, 性能稳定.

11、Bench top power supply may have a high 50 Hz leakage current even when turned off.───台式电源供应器会有较高50Hz的漏电流产生﹐无论开关电与否.

12、Imperfections in the board's dielectric properties can provide parasitic - leakage - current paths.───电路板介电性能的缺陷会给寄生漏电流提供路径.

13、Extremely low leakage current, standard size.───良好的低漏电特性, 标准尺寸.

14、Leakage Current Detector Interrupter. · Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter. · Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.───漏电保护断路器. ·微电流感应传感器.

15、The two most common error sources when measuring high resistance are electrostatic interference and leakage current.───测量高电阻时两个最常见的误差来源是静电干扰和泄漏电流.

16、After cleaning the winding end, the leakage current becomes normal.───清除绕组端部污秽后,泄漏电流正常。

17、Humidity can also increase leakage current.───潮湿也会增大漏流.

18、This paper expounds the mechanism of insulators contamination flashover and the principle of leakage current monitor.───阐述了绝缘子污闪机理及泄漏电流监测原理.

leakage current相似词语短语

1、managed currency───管理货币

2、Alaska Current───阿拉斯加海流;阿拉斯加暖流

3、Guiana current───[海洋]圭亚那海流

4、air current───[流]气流

5、dark current───[电子]暗电流


7、Peru current───秘鲁洋流

8、Japan Current───n.日本洋流;黑潮(太平洋暖流之一)

9、electric current───[电]电流

2、高压测试(hipot), VDE和UL的标准是什么谢谢

For VDE, Hi-pot requirements is from safety standard related to rountine test. such as EN50514-2008 standard covered the requirements for ITE and Audio/Video equipment.

For UL, it is described in UL FUS(follow-up service). you can find it in UL my home, which is your company account register in UL.

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