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tricked into中文翻译,tricked into是什么意思,tricked into发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

tricked into中文翻译,tricked into是什么意思,tricked into发音、用法及例句

1、tricked into

tricked into发音

英:  美:

tricked into中文意思翻译



tricked into双语使用场景

1、If I could not be persuaded into doing what I thought wrong, I never will be tricked into it.───我认为错误的事清,别人要是无法说服我去干,也休想骗我去干。

2、As you approach it in this way, your subconscious mind will be tricked into creating an astral realm exactly like the poster.───当你这样向它靠近时,这会诱使你的潜意识创造一个与招贴画完全一样的星体王国。

3、In effect, their bodies were tricked into overlooking the fact that it had lost weight.───实际上,瘦素替代品“欺骗”了他们的身体,让身体忽略了曾经减肥的事实。

4、She was tricked into a disastrous marriage with a charming but quite unscrupulous young man.───嫁给了一个长得很帅但却相当无耻的小伙子,这门婚事是一场灾难。

5、He was tricked into marriage by a false accusation of paternity.───他被诬赖成孩子的父亲而被骗着成了婚。

6、Police said no one was tricked into being arrested, and that those in the back of the group who couldn't hear were allowed to leave.───警方称,没有人遭错误拘捕,那些在行进队伍后面没有听见命令的人后来被允许离开。

7、He said it could have been 'tricked' into bringing allegations against three senior managers.───他说,公司可能被戏弄从而起诉了三位高级管理人员。

8、I was tricked into signing the contract.───我被骗签了那份合同。

9、Research shows that young people are more likely to be tricked into participating in illegal activities.───研究表明,年轻人更容易受骗参加非法活动。

tricked into相似词语短语

1、ripped into───vt.刺穿;猛攻;抨击;撕裂

2、dipped into───浸在……里;稍加研究

3、talked into───说服某人做某事

4、packed into───挤进…里;塞进

5、broke into───闯入;破门而入

6、broken into───闯入;破门而入

7、tricked out───装饰;打扮

8、booked into───签到;登记

9、tucked into───用被子将...盖好;大吃

2、翻译和语法解析,with chich 怎么用的



这个句子的主干是"we might realize two things",意思是“我们可能需要意识到两件事”。

"Before we enjoy too smugly the ease with which lower animals can be tricked by trigger features into reacting in ways wholly inappropriate to the situation" 是一个时间状语从句,指出主句动作发生的时间。从句中"we enjoy too smugly the ease"是主干,意思是“我们过于自满地享受这种轻松”。

"with which lower animals can be tricked by trigger features into reacting in ways wholly inappropriate to the situation"是一个定语从句,修饰前面的"the ease"(这种轻松)。"with which"在这里相当于"by which",引导定语从句,代替了前面的“ease”。这个定语从句的意思是“通过触发特征轻易欺骗低等动物,使其以完全不适应情况的方式做出反应”。

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