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I TOO中文翻译,I TOO是什么意思,I TOO发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

I TOO中文翻译,I TOO是什么意思,I TOO发音、用法及例句



英:  美:

I TOO中文意思翻译



I TOO双语使用场景

1、I too am a man like all of you; let me live like a man, and think of my soul and of God.───我也是一个人,和你们一样的人,让我像一个普通人那样生活,让我经常想到上帝和自己灵魂的纯洁吧!

2、dear, I do not know if you mind if I told you so, I'm sorry I did not control my own feelings, these days I too want you.───亲爱的,我不知道我告诉你以后你是这样想的,很抱歉我不能控制住自己的情绪,这些天我太想你了。

3、I too dreamed of living in Dallas one day.───我也曾梦想有朝一日能住在达拉斯。

4、I, too, wanted you to have the book, so I agreed to his terms, but I had no intention of turning the book over to Hansen.───我也想要你拥有这书,所以我同意了他的条件,但我没打算把书交给汉森。

5、When I walked into the Intensive Care Unit there was an awesome feeling knowing I, too, had been a patient there.───当我走进特别护理室时,一种敬畏之感油然而生,因为我知道自己也曾是这里的病人。

6、I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice.───我也正致力于继续正义之战。

7、Leave me too far, do not and I too close, this distance is good. Feeling in my line of sight stationed, in my heart of a corner quietly.───别离我太远,也别和我太近,这个距离便好。淡淡的感觉在我视线之内驻扎,在我心的一角静泊。

8、Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learned that I too was the son of a labouring man.───知道我也出身于工人家庭之前,巴罗一直竭力讨好我。

9、As I thought about him one evening, I suddenly had the idea that I, too, would like to have a wife.───一天晚上当我想起这个人时,我突然想到:我也想要个老婆。

I TOO相似词语短语

1、to toom───给汤姆

2、all too───实在太…

3、to tool───至工具

4、tint tool───染色工具



7、ski tow───上山缆索

8、to toot───嘟嘟




根据不同的问候,可有不同的意思。比如: (对方) Good luck/Wish you happy/Take care! 祝你好运/祝你高兴/自己要当心! (你的答复) You too。也祝你好运/同喜。你也是。

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