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ricinus communis中文翻译,ricinus communis是什么意思,ricinus communis发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

ricinus communis中文翻译,ricinus communis是什么意思,ricinus communis发音、用法及例句

ricinus communis

ricinus communis发音

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ricinus communis中文意思翻译



ricinus communis双语使用场景

1、The Castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L. ) is sole species of the spurge family. It is perennial or annual woody herbage.───蓖麻是大戟科,蓖麻属的唯一种,多年生或一年生木质草本;

2、Establishment of in vitro Method for Separating and Isolating Contraceptive Components of Ricinus communis L. Seed Extracts───蓖麻籽提取物抗雌鼠生育活性成分体外筛选方法的建立

3、Ricinus communis agglutinin ( RCA ) was used to identify the microglia with immunohistochemical SABC method.───切片组织采用免疫组化SABC法以蓖麻凝集素标记小胶质细胞.

4、Studies on the insecticidal activity of extract of Ricinus communis L. against insect pests were carried out in vegetable crops.───蓖麻提取物对蔬菜重要害虫进行了杀虫活性研究。

5、Study on Insecticidal Activity of Extract of Ricinus communis L. To Vegetable Pests───蓖麻提取物对蔬菜害虫的杀虫活性研究

6、Wind tunnel test indicated that the volatiles of Ulmus pumila and Ricinus communis have high efficiency to attract Holotria diomphalia.───风洞生测表明,家榆和蓖麻的挥发物对东北大黑鳃金龟具有明显的引诱作用。

7、Castor(Ricinus communis L. ), a high energy-stored and industrial raw-material plant species, is of great value in its application.───蓖麻是一种高蓄能植物和工业原料植物,具有很大的开发利用价值。

8、Analysis of Volatiles and Wound-Induced Volatiles Component of Ricinus communis───蓖麻挥发物与创伤诱导挥发物组成成分分析

9、Castor (Ricinus communis) is planted from north area to south area in China.───蓖麻在中国分布较广,从南到北均可栽培。

ricinus communis相似词语短语


2、farming communities───农业社区

3、village community───n.农村公社;村落社会

4、ricinus oils───[油脂]蓖麻油

5、farming community───农村公社

6、rating community───评级团体

7、precious commodity───贵重商品

8、ricinus oil───[油脂]蓖麻油

9、rating communities───评级社区


蓖麻(学名:Ricinuscommunis L.),大戟科蓖麻属蓖麻植物,原产地在非洲东北部的肯尼亚或索马里,广布于全世界热带地区,中国蓖麻引自印度,自海南至黑龙江北纬49°以南均有分布。


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