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on weekend中文翻译,on weekend是什么意思,on weekend发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

on weekend中文翻译,on weekend是什么意思,on weekend发音、用法及例句

on weekend

on weekend发音

英:  美:

on weekend中文意思翻译



on weekend双语使用场景

1、Both of the shops are always crowded on weekend.───在双休日这两家商店总是挤满了顾客.

2、on weekend nights, when the group slept over, they turned out all the lights, picked teams, and played a game with plastic pistols and flashlights.───在周末的晚上,五个孩子要在他们家住的话,他们就打开所有的灯,然后挑选队员用塑料手枪和手电筒做游戏。

3、They reached a fragile accord on weekend outings.───对周末的外出他们达成妥协.

4、For example, a normal office buildingoccupancy rules during the weekdays but significantly different use on weekend.───例如, 对于普通的办公楼,其人员密度在工作日和周末的数值有明显的区别.

5、They reached a fragile accord on weekend outings.───关于周末郊游他们达成了脆弱的一致意见。

6、On weekend, Ivan would take Kate to the amusement center.───周末的时候, 伊凡会带凯特去游乐场.

7、What about working on weekend?───你觉周末工作怎么样?

8、On weekend, they were told to spend the money on a material purchase — a gift for themselves.───周末,他们被要求用这笔钱进行一次实质性的购物,给自己买一件礼物。

9、On weekend she often goes to see my grandparents and does some cleaning and washing.───在周末她经常去看我到祖父母,做一些打扫和洗衣.

10、They decide to fly kite on weekend.───他们决定在周末去放风筝.

11、We go to the cinema on weekend.───我们周末看**.

12、They like to rought it in the woods on weekend hikes.───他们喜欢在周末远足时在树林里过原始人一般的生活.

13、What you ususlly do on weekend.───你周未通常做什么.

14、On weekend nights, as one artist told us, it's like Carnival without the masks.───一位艺术家告诉我们, 一到周末晚上, 这里就成了不带面具的嘉年华.

on weekend相似词语短语

1、long weekend───长周末(前后增加一两天的)

2、on the mend───在好转中


4、to weekend───到周末

5、on end───连续地;竖着

6、holiday weekend───假日周末

7、long weekends───长周末(前后增加一两天的)

8、on demand───见票即付;[经]即期

9、dirty weekend───n.和情人一起度过的周末,周末幽会

是on weekend还是in weekend还是at weekend他们是不是用在不同的情境



on/at weekends

on /at the weekend


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