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crate and barrel(crate & barrel中文翻译,crate & barrel是什么意思,crate & barrel发音、用法及

04-04 投稿

crate and barrel(crate & barrel中文翻译,crate & barrel是什么意思,crate & barrel发音、用法及例句)

crate & barrel

crate & barrel发音

英:  美:

crate & barrel中文意思翻译


n.大木箱,塑料分格箱; 一箱(的量)

crate & barrel双语使用场景

1、Thisprompted me to put plastic milk crate under my desk.───读到这样的信会促使我把牛奶色的柳条箱放到我的桌子下.

2、We have to nail up a crate before shipping.───我们得在装运前将货箱钉牢.

3、A photo showed a cat with green eyes peering from a crowded crate.───贴题照片上是一只透过木箱哀望着外面的猫咪.

4、One day he reluctantly accepts a commission to transport an unusually large crate.───有一天,他在偶然且非自愿的情况下,接了一个工作,但随即发现他拿到的大箱子里面竟然躺著一个年轻女人,她因被下药而失去意识,呈现昏迷状态.

5、What is a Gestation Crate?───这种妊娠舍到底是什么样的 呢 ?

6、We broke open the crate with a blow from the chopper.───我们用斧头一敲就打开了板条箱.

7、The children have built something out of an orange crate, something preposterous and ascendant.───孩子们用橘子箩里的橘子砌成一个物体, 一个荒诞可笑但充满朝气的东西.

8、What is the force of friction acting on the crate.───板箱上受到的摩擦力是多少?

9、The workers tightly packed the goods in the crate.───工人们把货物严紧地包装在箱子里.

10、This delicate crate of thin bamboo strips is my collection.───这个精美的篾篓,是我的收藏品.

11、Someone has stuck a label on the crate.───有人在板条箱上贴了标签.

12、a crate of bananas───一箱香蕉

13、A crate provides a den for your puppy when you are not home.───当你不在家的时候,箱式狗窝为狗狗提供了一个睡觉的好地方.

14、The solemn Mr. Merryweather had to perch himself upon a crate.───这位庄重的梅里韦瑟先生只好坐到一只板条箱上.

15、If your customers do not buy them, that crate will rot on you.───如果你的客户不买, 亏损就是你的.

16、Each single crate is heavily padded and packed with 4 carboys.───每只木条箱内装4只大瓶子将空余处填满.

17、When any crate reaches a certain size, more boards may be added.───一旦包装箱达到了一定的尺寸, 就需要加入更多的木板.

18、We suggest you have the outer packing chance, using wooden crate instead of cardboard boxes.───我们建议贵方把外包装改一下, 用板条箱代替硬纸箱.

19、Do your Westie a favor and keep him in his crate when traveling in a car.───你westie帮忙,并把他的板条箱时,乘坐一辆车.

20、Your price be to include packing in crate, and delivery to our warehouse.───贵方报价应包括板条箱包装费及到我方仓库的运费.

21、What are the contents of the crate which weighs several hundred kilograms?───这只箱子有好几百斤重,里面装的是什么 呀 ?

22、The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.───猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上.

23、Gascat filters are supplied packed in cardboard box or wood crate.───卡司凯特过滤器以纸板箱或木条板箱包装供应.

24、Clutching his matches he set out along the main road towards Xizhimen Crate.───拿着两包火柴,顺着大道他往西直门走.

25、You take a risk each time you buy a crate of tomatoes.───你每买一篮子西红柿都要承担风险.

26、On this day, he opened a crate from China.───这天, 他打开一只来自中国的条板箱.

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