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get from中文翻译,get from是什么意思,get from发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

get from中文翻译,get from是什么意思,get from发音、用法及例句

1、get from

get from发音

英:  美:

get from中文意思翻译



get from双语使用场景

1、The pleasure I get from listening to such music never stales.───这种音乐我百听不厌.

2、A : Aha , then tell me what you can get from the net?───啊 哈, 那么告诉我你都从网上学到什么了?

3、What good can they get from this?───他们能从这里捞到什么好处 呢 ?

4、Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds , if it were not for the protection we get from insect - eating animals.───昆虫会使我们无法在这个世界上生存: 如果不是由于食虫动物的 保

5、The money they get from fruit - picking is often a supplement to incomes earned in the town.───他们靠采摘水果所得的钱常常是城里所挣收入的补贴.

6、Hand sketching also improves the feedback you get from users.───手绘还可以促进从用户那里获得反馈.

7、The results you get from weight training are largely dependent upon how you use those weights and what type of exercise programme you follow.───举重训练的效果在很大程度上取决于如何使用那些举重器械以及遵照何种锻炼方案。

8、The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.───从经济作物中获得的收益能帮助他们度过不景气的时期。

9、To get from a trickle a reasonable flood can take weeks.───从滴流到一定规模的洪水,这中间要花上数个星期.

10、Harden drawnwire very easy to get from brass net.───硬的铜丝很容易从铜网上得到.

11、Obviously you can't shake hands with the author but there are chances for a connection that you don't get from a regular book signing.───很明显,你不能和作者握手,但是你有可能和作者建立联系,这是你从普通的签售会中无法获得的。

12、Most people need at least 1,000 IU daily—more than you get from foods and most multivitamins.───大部分人每天所需维生素至少为1000个国际单位——比你从食物和大多数维生素剂所得到的要多。

13、Well , a margin more in line with what we can get from the other banks.───唔, 总应该同其他银行差不多吧.

14、How about the information you get from the media?───那么从媒体上获得的信息 呢 ?

15、The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.───他们从经济作物中得到的那些现金红利能支撑他们度过歉收季节。

16、The more feedback we get from viewers, the better.───从观众那儿得到的反馈越多越好.

17、The money I get from teaching the piano is a useful supplement to my ordinary income.───我教钢琴挣的钱是一笔很管用的外快.

18、How do I get from the pavilion to the station?───请问从亭子到车站如何走?

get from相似词语短语

1、hear from───收到…的信;受…的批评

2、drew from───从…中得到;从…提取

3、get wrong───出错;误会

4、far from───adv.远离;远非;完全不

5、keep from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制

6、as from───从…时起;从…开始

7、date from───追溯到;始于;起源于

8、kept from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制

9、free from───使摆脱;免于;解放

2、get from的用法?

"get from" 是一个英语短语,表示从某人或某处获得或得到某物。这个短语可以用于各种情境,例如请求建议、获取物品等。以下是一些使用 "get from" 的例子:

1. 请求建议:

• Could you please tell me how to get from the airport to the hotel?


2. 获取物品:

• I need to get a gift for my friend's birthday. Can you recommend a place where I can get it?


3. 获取信息或知识:

• How do I get from knowing nothing about programming to becoming a skilled programmer?


4. 从某处到达:

• I'm planning to visit Europe next year. I need to figure out how to get from Paris to Rome.


请注意,“get from” 可以根据上下文和需要替换为其他类似短语,如 "find out how to" 或 "figure out how to"。

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