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what can中文翻译,what can是什么意思,what can发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

what can中文翻译,what can是什么意思,what can发音、用法及例句

what can

what can发音

英:  美:

what can中文意思翻译



what can双语使用场景

1、It is testimony to what can be achieved by a transatlantic community that acts with a clear sense of common purpose.───这些证据证明了跨大西洋共同体达成的成就是有着明确的共同使命感的组织。

2、Now that you know which processes are killing the system (you could also use topas or nmon), what can you do about it?───现在,您已经知道了终止系统的是哪些进程(您也可以使用topas或nmon),下面该如何处理呢?

3、So what can we conclude from this debate?───那么从这场辩论中我们能推断出什么呢?

4、In the days that followed, college students did not wait to ask "What can we do? "───在以后的日子里,大学生们没有等着问:“我们能做什么?”

5、What can I do around here?───这里我能做什么?

6、What can only cause Icelandic Koruna to be strong raises its risk rate of return, but this at present not in the least sign.───惟一能够使冰岛克朗坚挺的是提高其风险回报率,而这目前毫无迹象。

7、What can I do about that?───事我可怎么办?

8、Data federation strives to leave data in its original location and to create what can be thought of as a virtual database.───数据联合力图将数据放在其原始位置上,并创建虚拟数据库。

9、Phreak: Speaking of lane dominace, Orianna is still causing too much trouble for her opponents. What can we expect for her?───说到线霸,发条妹还是能对她的敌人造成太大的麻烦,有什么针对她的改动可以让我们的玩家期待下?

what can相似词语短语

1、flat cap───n.鸭舌帽


3、flat car───平板车;平台货车


5、hot cap───暖罩

6、fat cat───有钱有势的人;谋求特权

7、wheat cakes───[食品]麦饼

8、what then───下步怎么办,那便会怎么样呢?

9、wheat cake───[食品]麦饼



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