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stop short中文翻译,stop short是什么意思,stop short发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

stop short中文翻译,stop short是什么意思,stop short发音、用法及例句

1、stop short

stop short发音

英:  美:

stop short中文意思翻译



stop short双语使用场景

1、To stop short and turn restively from side to side ; balk.───徘徊不前停止不前且踌躇不前; 畏缩不前.

2、I may withhold the truth at times, but I stop short of actually telling lies.───我有时候可能不说真话, 但事实上我不至于到说谎的地步.

3、There is just enough validity in the idea for it to stop short of mental derangement.───这种观点尤其受到那些自认为拥有此种才能的人的追捧,但离精神错乱不过是一步之遥.

4、We will never stop short of goal.───我们不达目的,决不罢休.

5、I may not like her but I would stop short of calling her names.───我可能不喜欢她,但我不会再骂她了.

6、In fact, the submission appears to stop short of taking such an extreme position.───事实上, 屈服看起来能缓解如此这般极端的状况.

7、Perhaps a more meaningful term in this instance would be is informed by or waits for, but let's stop short of proposing a new stereotype for this purpose.───或许这个实例中更为有意义的术语是is informed by或waits for,不过我们要暂停针对此目的建议新的构造型。

8、Education is a continuous process which does not stop short this side of the grave.───教育在人的一生中是不断进行的过程。

9、Short, deep through, broad skull, very pronounced cheek muscles, distinct stop, short foreface, black nose.───短 、 相当深, 脑袋宽, 面颊的咬合肌非常发达, 明显的止部, 口吻短, 鼻镜为黑色.

10、Mediocre successes are those that obey this law a little way-that fill in the check with a small amount-but that stop short of big vision in it.───那些成就平平的人只是部分遵循了这个法则,在远大的愿景面前嘎然而止,他们在上面填写的金额就会很小。

11、He wouldn't stop short at murder.───即使杀人他都干得出来.

12、Will the city council actually stop short of increasing taxes?───市议会真地不会采取增加税收的措施 吗 ?

stop short相似词语短语

1、go short───短缺;(马受伤后)短步前进

2、stone shoot───石笋

3、for short───简称;缩写

4、snap shot───n.急射;乱射

5、to short───缩短

6、drop shot───n.扣球;使球过网后急落的打法

7、sell short───卖空;低估

8、stop chorus───停止合唱

9、slap shot───火爆群龙(游戏)


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short  [ʃɒrt; ʃɒ:t]形容词(~.er; ~.est)1 短的(←→ long)a. (尺寸) 短的a ~ line [tail]短线 [尾]~ hair短发This skirt is too ~ on me.这条裙子对我来说太短b. (距离) 短的,近的a ~ walk短距离的散步at a ~ distance在近处,在附近The bus stop ...

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