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combined transport中文翻译,combined transport是什么意思,combined transport发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

combined transport中文翻译,combined transport是什么意思,combined transport发音、用法及例句

combined transport

combined transport发音

英:  美:

combined transport中文意思翻译


联合运输; 联运


combined transport双语使用场景

1、main safety problems existing in the system of passenger combined transport in dedicated lines and their causes are systemically analyzed.───系统分析了客运专线联合运输存在的主要安全问题及其产生原因。

2、Other services: railway, airway, coasting, inland river ( the Changjiang Rover ) and highway transportation and Combined transport.───其它服务: 同时提供铁路 、 航空 、 沿海 、 内河、公路运输和联运.

3、It's simpler and cheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined transport.───安排联运对我们双方都既简单又经济.

4、The presented transport document is a combined transport document (CTD) showing the entire transport as performed by means of two journeys, the first part by sea and remaining part by air.───提交的运输单据是联合运输单据(CTD),显示全程运输用两段航程完成,第一部分用海路运输,剩余部分用航空运输。

5、The solution to the issues of combined transport can provide a theoretical support for the transport company formed and it also can effectively promote the development of combined transport market.───这些问题的解决为货物运输企业组建联合运输提供了理论支持,能有效地促进联合运输市场的发展。

6、Convention on the International Combined Transport of Goods ( TCM Convention )───国际货物联运公约 ( 联运公约 )

7、Since tITe is no direct vessel, we HAs to arrange combined transport by rail and sea.───由于么有直达船只, 咱们只好安排海陆联运.

combined transport相似词语短语

1、container transports───[交]集装箱运输

2、membrane transport───膜运输


4、container transport───[交]集装箱运输

5、road transport───公路运输;铁路运输;陆路运输

6、combined ratios───综合比率

7、membrane transports───膜运输

8、active transport───[植]主动转运;活性迁移

9、combined ratio───综合赔付率;综合成本率;综合率



(1)FBL (2) Multidoc (3)Combined transport B/L 国际多式联运单证: 该单证包括双方确认的取代纸张单证的电子数据交换信息。国际多式联运单证不是多式联运合同,只是多式联运合同的证明,同时是多式联运经营人收到货物的收据和凭其交货的凭证。在实践中一般称为国际多式联运提单。

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