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shrug off中文翻译,shrug off是什么意思,shrug off发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

shrug off中文翻译,shrug off是什么意思,shrug off发音、用法及例句

shrug off

shrug off发音

英:  美:

shrug off中文意思翻译


v.耸肩表示蔑视; 抖去; 摆脱; 扭身脱掉衣服


shrug off双语使用场景

1、She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.───她能够把烦恼置之度外而依旧保持笑容.

2、So why , then, did global markets shrug off a much larger correction in Shanghai last week?───那么, 为何上周全球市场对上海的情况无动于衷 呢 ?

3、But most companies will be able to shrug off the credIt'squeeze.───然而,多数公司都会对信贷紧缩不以为意.

4、Most importantly, shrug off any ‘shoulds’.───最重要的是,摆脱任何可能性。

5、You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.───你倾向于坚信自己的观点并排除一切影响.

6、Most importantly, shrug off any 'shoulds'.───许多日本人对老龄化问题都不屑一顾。

7、Now he seems determined to shrug off such worries.───现在他似乎决定要把这些焦虑从肩上卸下.

8、Some people can shrug off their failed relationships, but this doesn't mean they recover faster.───某些人能够对失败的关系一笑置之, 但是这不意味着他们恢复的更快.

9、It is wrong to shrug off this kind of disease.───轻视这种疾病是不对的.

10、This actress tried to shrug off these reporters.───这位女演员试图对这些记者们不予理睬.

11、These are not questions the old generations can shrug off lightly.───对于这些问题,老一代人确实不予附合.

12、She can shrug off all her troubles.───她对她的麻烦事满不在乎.

13、She can shrug off her troubles and met smiling.───她对困难毫不在意,总是而带笑容.

14、The urban middle - class may shrug off rising food prices, but the poor are being hit harder.───城市中产阶级对于食品涨价也许只是耸耸肩而已, 但对于穷人来说却是沉重的打击.

15、You should try to shrug off the effects of drugs.───你应该努力摆脱毒品的影响.

16、Morgan Stanley's stock rose Wednesday, suggesting investors were willing shrug off the quarter.───摩根士丹利股票周三上涨, 显示投资者愿意对这个财季的表现一笑置之.

17、I admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism.───我很佩服她能对错误的批评意见不予理会.

shrug off相似词语短语

1、hang off───挂断电话;踌躇不前;放开,拉开;拉开放

2、haul off───v.退却;撤退

3、shrugging off───摆脱;抖去;不屑理睬;耸肩表示蔑视;扭身脱掉衣服

4、run off───逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛

5、rub off───擦掉;使显得暗淡

6、bug off───停止打扰,走开;错误关闭

7、shrugs off───摆脱;抖去;不屑理睬;耸肩表示蔑视;扭身脱掉衣服

8、to shrug off───耸耸肩

9、shrugged off───摆脱;抖去;不屑理睬;耸肩表示蔑视;扭身脱掉衣服



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