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get back at中文翻译,get back at是什么意思,get back at发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

get back at中文翻译,get back at是什么意思,get back at发音、用法及例句

get back at

get back at发音

英:  美:

get back at中文意思翻译



get back at双语使用场景

1、I'll get back at them somehow for this!───我一定想法为这件事报复他们!

2、I'll get back at him one day.───总有一天我会报复他.

3、I'm just doing it to get back at him.───我这样做只是为了报复他.

4、That's the best way get back at him.───这是最好的报复方式.

5、I am so hurt that I want to get back at him.───我受的伤害这么大,我要报复.

6、He once took advantage of his popularity to get back at a critic.───他曾经利用他的声望回归到一个评论家的身份。

7、Every time you get back at night, you drop your shoes on the floor.───你每一次晚上回来, 都把鞋子丢在地板上.

8、That was to get back at someone who chest bumped at us.───那是给对我们撞胸的对手的回敬.

9、He will get back at you for this.───他将为此向你报复.

10、Be able to get back at the right hand fork again?───能找回那个分岔口再次牵手 吗 ?

11、You had the motivation, a reason to get back at me.───你有动力, 有向我报复的理由.

12、Your dog is not destroying your house to spite or get back at you.───你的爱犬不是要毁坏你的房子来惹恼你或是报复你。

13、I think your ex - wife is trying to get back at you.───我觉得你的 前妻 在试图报复你.

14、The divorce process should not be used as a means to get back at your former partner.───不应该在办理离婚手续上报复以前的伴侣。

15、We will get back at 6 p. m. by bus.───我们会在下午6点乘车返回。

16、Well , every time you get back at night, you drop your boots on the floor.───每当你半夜回家, 都把鞋子扔到底板上.

17、We'll bring our family's power together and get back at the planet!───大家团结一致向这个星球复仇!

18、I didn't write this book to get back at Henry Ford for firing me.───我写这本书也不是为了要向亨利·福特报解雇我之仇.

get back at相似词语短语

1、to get back to───回到

2、got back───取回,返回

3、gets back───回来;恢复;取回;报复;重新上台

4、went back to───回去,返回;追溯到

5、gets back to───重新回到(回朔到)

6、went back on───违背;背弃

7、get back───回来;恢复;取回;报复;重新上台

8、get back to───重新回到(回朔到)

9、got back to───重新回到(回朔到)

求下列几个单词的词组~ 大家都来看看!

give up

take a walk

get up

hold on

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