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id card是什么意思英语(ID card中文翻译,ID card是什么意思,ID card发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

id card是什么意思英语(ID card中文翻译,ID card是什么意思,ID card发音、用法及例句)

1、ID card

ID card发音

英:  美:

ID card中文意思翻译



ID card双语使用场景

1、Please take your room key and ID card, close and lock the door to your room.───请带上您的房间钥匙和身份证,关好并锁上您房间的门。

2、You have to have proof of residence in the state of Texas, such as a Texas ID card.───你必须有在德克萨斯州的居住证明,例如一张得克萨斯州的身份证。

3、May I have a look at your passport or ID card , sir?───我可以看一下你的护照或身份证 吗 ?

4、You will be privileged to enter the factory with this ID card.───你有这张身份卡就有权进入工厂.

5、Yes. Now please show me your ID card.───没错,请把您的身份证件给我看一下好吗?

6、Discounts will only be given on production of your student ID card.───须出示学生证方可打折.

7、Please tell me your ID card or Passport No.───请问您的身份证或护照号码?

8、The composition , architecture and security of a One - Campus - ID card system are introduced.───介绍了校园一卡通系统的组成与结构、网络结构以及系统安全.

9、Look at the ID card and answer the questions.───看下面的身份证并回答问题.

10、May I apply for my ID card in the local police station here?───我可以向你们当地公安机关申请办理居民身份证吗?

11、Do I to bring my ID card if I to withdraw money?───我来取钱的时候是不是要带上我的身分证?

12、So that's how you got gwen creighton's id card?───你就是那样取得温克雷顿的钥匙卡的?

13、And remember to take your ID card along.───记着带上身份证.

14、Please provide one copy of your diploma and ID card each.───报名时请带上本人大学毕业证书及身份证复印件.

15、Last year, I forgot to bring my ID card.───去年我忘了带身份证.

16、His wallet, mobile phone and ID card stolen, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.───他的钱包、手机和身份证都被偷了。警察正在调查,准备将送他到社会救助站。

17、The line is just the boundary of ID card image.───在身份证号码区域图像截取过程中,我们必须考虑以下几方面的情况,如卡片是否翻转,采集的卡片图像是否经过镜像变换等等.

18、And a copy of the ID card cannot be used.───另外,身份证的复印件不能用来买票.

ID card相似词语短语

1、to card───到卡片

2、bin card───[计]卡片箱

3、index card───索引卡

4、idiot card───n.电视演员提词牌

5、red card───n.红牌

6、PC card───个人计算机卡

7、side card───侧边卡片

8、wild card───n.(计算机中的)通配符;持外卡的选手;无法预言的人(或事物)

9、ID card───身份证(等于identitycard)


“IC”经常作为“Identification Card”的缩写来使用,中文中表示:“身份证”。



英文单词:Identification Card


中文拼音:shēn fèn zhèng






1. Yes, I have my passport and this identification card.


2. To open an account, you need a personal stamp, your identification card and some money.


3. I can't believe I lost my identification card again.


4. Maybe you can let me see your identification card.


上述内容是“Identification Card”作为““IC”的缩写,解释为“身份证的意思

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