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比强度是什么意思(reduce the pressure中文翻译,reduce the pressure是什么意思,reduce the pressure发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

比强度是什么意思(reduce the pressure中文翻译,reduce the pressure是什么意思,reduce the pressure发音、用法及例句)

reduce the pressure

reduce the pressure发音

英:  美:

reduce the pressure中文意思翻译



reduce the pressure双语使用场景

1、The aim of a blowdown system is to reduce the pressure inside the process equipment faster than the strength reduction due to heat exposure.───排放系统的目的是以比强度因热暴露而降低更快的速度,减小工艺设备内部的压力。

2、More important, if they succeed in even modestly loosening the moneymarkets, they will reduce the pressure on central banks to use the broader tool of lower policy rates.───更重要的是,如果它们成功,哪怕仅仅搅动了一些货币市场,中央就减小了继续降低政策性利率的压力。

3、The settling chamber can collect partial large-granule dust, reduce the temperature, and reduce the pressure of the dust collector.───沉降室可除去一部分大颗粒粉尘,降低温度,减少除尘器压力。

4、Higher rice production in 2008 could reduce the pressure, but short-term volatility will probably continue, given the very limited supplies available from stocks.───稻米产量的提高可以减缓压力,但鉴于库存供应非常有限,短期的波动将会继续下去。

5、After that, we figure out a ladder-type wind tunnel to bring out uniform suction, and provide several means to reduce the pressure loss.───根据相关理论,得出了可以实现均匀吸风的阶梯形风道,并且提出一些降低阻力损失的方法。

6、The primary purpose of a 12 year compulsory education is to reduce the pressure of students to further education.───12年国教的主要宗旨是为了减轻现在学生的升学压力。

7、A- Yes. Although it may needs to pays charge, it will able to reduce the pressure and increase the life of Landfill.───会,因为能减轻堆填区的压力,增加堆填区的寿命,多付多许钱也不介意。

8、In the meantime, the module takes advantage of on-chip cache to reduce the pressure on the system buses.───同时,该设计还使用片上缓存方式,降低了系统总线的占用率。

9、would reduce the pressure on the land and the number of mouths to feed.───可以减轻土地的压力,减少嗷嗷待哺的嘴巴。

reduce the pressure相似词语短语

1、gentle pressure───温和的压力

2、reduce the burden───减轻负担

3、centre of pressure───n.压力中心;气压中心

4、reduce the price───减价

5、ease the pressure───减轻压力

6、reduce the rate───降低比率

7、reduce exposure───减少暴露

8、reduce the risk───减少风险

9、extreme pressure───极压,极限压力;特高压力;超高压


减压英文:reduce pressure; decompress; relax the pressure; diminution of pressuredecompression ;解压英文:[医] decompression ;

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