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a white lie中文翻译,a white lie是什么意思,a white lie发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

a white lie中文翻译,a white lie是什么意思,a white lie发音、用法及例句

a white lie

a white lie发音

英:  美:

a white lie中文意思翻译



a white lie双语使用场景

1、That's a white lie.───这是一张白纸谎言.

2、However, we need to carefully consider whether telling a white lie can produce a better outcome.───然而, 我们必须谨慎评估善意的谎言是否能带来更好的结果.

3、A: It is a white lie when doctors said to Molly that her cancer would be cured.───医生们对莫莉说她的病可以治好是音响效果的诺言.

4、The doctor told him a white lie.───医师没把事实告诉他.

5、I didn't wanna go to work today, so I told my boss a white lie.───今天不想去上班, 所以我向老板撒了个小谎.

6、What'sthe difference between a white lie and a lie? I mean, it's all the same to me.───善意的谎言和谎言之间有什么不同?我是说,对于我而言二者完全一样。

7、Tom tells a white lie.───汤姆撒了个善意的谎言。

8、Tom tells a white lie.───汤姆撒了个白色的谎言.

9、You could tell a white lie.───你可以说一个善意的谎言。

10、I have to tell a white lie because he is so sick.───他太虚弱了,我不得不讲了个善意的谎言.

11、A white lie is better than a black lie.───白色的(善意的)谎言总比黑色的(恶意的)谎言要好.

12、That was a white lie.───那是推托之词.

13、I'd rather tell my mother a white lie than tell her the truth and upset her.───我宁可向妈妈撒个小谎,也不愿把真相告她,让她心中不安.

14、In English, this is a white lie.───在英语中,这是一句善意的谎言。

a white lie相似词语短语

1、white lie───无恶意的谎言;小谎话

2、white line───[解剖]白线;空白行

3、white lies───白色谎言;善意的谎言(whitelie的复数形式)

4、dry white wine───干白葡萄酒

5、white tie───n.小白领结;全套男式晚礼服

6、to white flint───白燧石

7、white fir───[林]白冷杉

8、white leg───n.股白肿

9、to white list───到白名单

tell a truth造句?

1.Sometimes it's better to tell a white lie than to tell someone a painful truth.


2.This song is tell you a very simple and would easily be forgotten truth, that is contentment.


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