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small business中文翻译,small business是什么意思,small business发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

small business中文翻译,small business是什么意思,small business发音、用法及例句

small business

small business发音

英:  美:

small business中文意思翻译




small business双语使用场景

1、The company is an outstanding example of a small business that grew into a big one.───该公司是小企业成长为大公司的突出例子。

2、The allegation stems from a report by the Small Business Administration ( SBA ) .───这个结论是基于小企业 联合会 的报告.

3、The big firms tried to crowd our small business out of the market.───那些大公司试图把我们的小商店排挤出市场.

4、Your own small business on the side sounds pretty lucrative.───自己的小生意也经营地不错,营利不成问题.

5、My small business operates on a razor - thin profit margin.───我的生意属小本经营,利润微薄.

6、She castigated the tax on gifts and bequests as a threat to small business.───她把对礼物和遗赠物征税斥之为对小商号的一种威胁.

7、Analysts of small business recognize that several economic factors tend to thwart this business form.───小企业分析家们发现某些经济因素势必会阻挠小企业的发展.

8、Provides simple, useful and custom made business software for small business.───为小型企业提供全面 、 廉价及简单的资料管理解决方案.

9、The increase will hurt small business and cost many thousands of jobs.───这种增长会使小企业受损并使成千上万的人失去工作。

10、The theme is very apt for your small business websites.───会议的主题是非常恰当的为您的小型商业网站.

11、Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans.───许多人用个人资产作抵押,办理小额商业贷款。

12、This courtesy is especially appreciated by a small business, one in which every order counts.───这种有礼貌的做法特别能使小企业――重视每项订货的企业高兴.

13、The company is an outstanding example of a small business that grew into a big one.───该公司是小企业成长为大企业的突出例子。

14、Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans.───很多人把个人财产用作小额商业贷款的抵押品。

15、tape is the bugaboo of small business.───习气让小企业头疼。

16、It publishes a monthly bulletin featuring all the latest small business opportunities.───它出版一份月报,内容以各种最新的小企业机会为主.

17、It is rare to find a small business with good cash flow.───很难找到现金流动状况好的小企业.

18、The availability of cheap long - term credit would help small business.───低利息的 长期 贷款对小型企业会有帮助.

small business相似词语短语

1、viable business───可行的业务

2、stage businesses───舞台动作,舞台做工

3、family business───家族企业

4、retail business───[贸易]零售业务;[贸易]小生意

5、mean business───当真

6、small ermines───小貂

7、local business───本地商业;本地业务;当地企业

8、show business───娱乐业;娱乐性行业(等于showbiz)

9、stage business───舞台动作,舞台做工

Intel SBA技术是什么

你说的应该是SNB技术。全名Sandy Bridge是英特尔在2011年初发布的新一代处理器微架构。

就不深究了。浅显点的。一二代的I3 I5 I7 CPU都是采用了这个技术。三代的是开普勒。

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