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含量英文(coated tablets中文翻译,coated tablets是什么意思,coated tablets发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

含量英文(coated tablets中文翻译,coated tablets是什么意思,coated tablets发音、用法及例句)

coated tablets

coated tablets发音

英:  美:

coated tablets中文意思翻译



coated tablets双语使用场景

1、Results: Oxiprozin Enteric-coated Tablets wasn t changed in artificial gastric juice, and the dissolution was improved in artificial intestinal juice.───结果:肠溶片在人工胃液中无变化,而在人工肠液中释放度提高。

2、Objective : To establish HPLC method for determination of alliin in garlicinenteric - coated tablets.───目的: 测定大蒜肠溶片中蒜氨酸的含量.

3、What is the difference between the assay of aspirin and its enteric - coated tablets?───阿司匹林原料药物与及阿司匹林肠溶片在质量检验方面有哪些不同之处?为何不同?

4、METHODS: A prospective multi-center, randomized , double blind, controlled clinical trial of serrapeptase enteric-coated tablets was conducted.───方法:用前瞻性随机双盲双模拟对照多中心试验设计,以进口舍雷肽酶肠溶片为阳性对照药。

5、OBJECTIVE To an HPLC method for the determination of content of edible lake in film - coated tablets.───目的建立薄膜衣片剂中食用色淀的HPLC含量测定新方法.

6、Objective : To investigate the stability of Mesalazine enter - coated tablets in different media.───目的: 考察美沙拉嗪肠溶片在不同介质中的稳定性.

coated tablets相似词语短语

1、card tables───牌桌(打牌用的轻便小桌)

2、waxed tablet───蜡板文献

3、bed tables───床头桌

4、waxed tablets───涂蜡书板

5、card table───牌桌(打牌用的轻便小桌)

6、water tables───地下水位;潜水面;[建]泻水台;马路边沟

7、coated paper───铜版纸,涂料纸;盖料纸





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