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stepped out中文翻译,stepped out是什么意思,stepped out发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

stepped out中文翻译,stepped out是什么意思,stepped out发音、用法及例句

stepped out

stepped out发音

英:  美:

stepped out中文意思翻译



stepped out双语使用场景

1、I stepped out of his office and was brought to a small window near the exit, behind which sat a scribe who I knew must be a prisoner.───我走出他的办公室,被带到监狱出口处的一个小窗户边。窗后坐着一个抄写员,我知道他肯定是个囚徒。

2、He isn't in. He just stepped out for a minute, but he won't be long. Can I take a message?───他不在,他刚出去一会儿,不过马上就会回来,要不要留言?

3、He got up and stepped out of the stall, and just then he heard the sound of children's voices.───他站了起来,走出了牛栏,就在这时,他听到了孩子们的声音。

4、Presently, the door opened again and three men stepped out.───不久,门又打开了,走出来三个人。

5、The next morning I stepped out to look at the bulldog, hoping to see at least a gash in its speckled hide.───第二天早上,我跑去察看那头叭喇狗,期望从它那布满斑点的身上至少能发现一个深长的伤口。

6、As they approached the shore, a lanky, suntanned, salt-encrusted 26-year-old stepped out with a splash and clambered up onto a jumble of broken basalt.───当他们到达海岸,一个瘦长的、黝黑的、身上沾著些许海盐的26岁青年溅踏着水面,并爬上一堆破碎的玄武岩。

7、I realized some of them slept in a nearby alley, while others had just stepped out of the shelter for an early-morning smoke.───我意识到他们中有些人就睡在附近的小巷子中,而其中住在收容所的一些人则出来抽会烟提神。

8、'Well, Jane, do you know me? ' asked the familiar voice. And, struggling with the old clothes, Mr Rochester stepped out of his disguise.───“好了,简,你认识我吗?”熟悉的声音问。挣脱着破衣服,罗切斯特先生不再伪装了。

9、Last October, a month before Obama stepped out in her dress, model Lara Stone appeared blacked up in French Vogue.───去年10月,也就是奥巴马夫人穿着她的裙子现身的前一个月,模特LaraStone在法国的时尚秀上全副黑色武装出现。

stepped out相似词语短语

1、stripped out───拿走所有东西;剥除;剔除

2、slopped out───倒

3、stepped up───加速的

4、stamped out───扑灭;踩灭

5、stepped on───vt.踩上…;踏上…

6、topped out───达到极限;为(建筑物的建成)举行竣工仪式;把…弄平

7、tapped out───没钱的

8、stopped out───外宿;继续罢工;中途辍学;(美)遮蔽(风,日光等)

9、shipped out───运出;坐船到国外去



1.The sergeant stood to attention and saluted.中士立正敬礼。

2.One of the company stepped out and saluted the General.人群中走出一人向将军敬礼。

3.The president saluted the courage of those who had fought for their country.总统对那些为国战斗者的英勇精神表示敬意。

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