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crossstitch(cross stitch中文翻译,cross stitch是什么意思,cross stitch发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

crossstitch(cross stitch中文翻译,cross stitch是什么意思,cross stitch发音、用法及例句)

cross stitch

cross stitch发音

英:  美:

cross stitch中文意思翻译



cross stitch双语使用场景

1、DMC cross - stitch with more successful fact greatly promoted the Chinese cross - stitch market, long - term sustained, stable development.───DMC十字绣以更成功的事实极大地推动了中国十字绣市场的 长期 、持续 、 稳定的发展.

2、Cross lace embroidery, Wenzhou, commonly known as cross - stitch, also known as cruciferous.───十字花边绣, 温州俗称挑花, 又通称十字花.

3、But big cross - stitch embroidery against.───但大的十字绣绣品不利于携带.

4、She is used to nostalgic style means, cross - stitch is catered to the special sewing alternative.───女红是用来怀旧的时尚手段, 十字绣是迎合另类的特殊女红.

5、Because it is the use of imported cross - stitch, so the investment is bigger.───因为是用进口的十字绣, 所以投资是比较大的.

6、We supply various kinds of stitch line, fabric are cross - stitch products exported from Korea.───主要生产经营十字绣线, 面料,附材料及各种图案等所有国内外十字绣产品.

7、The design can be worked in cross stitch.───这个图案可以用十字针法绣出来。

8、The design can be worked in cross stitch.───该图案可以用十字针法编织出来。

9、Then, compared with the traditional painting and calligraphy, cross - stitch advantage in where?───那么, 与传统书画相比, 十字绣的优势在哪里 呢 ?

10、To learn, cross - stitch key is patience.───十字绣不难学, 关键在于耐心.

11、How to make a cross stitch?───如何制作十字绣?

12、The old lady is here, ginger, she started from embroider key chains like cross - stitch.───姜女士是这里的老顾客, 她是从绣钥匙链开始喜欢上十字绣的.

13、A Cross stitch in qubbat open the store said.───一位在拱北开着十字绣小店的女士说.

14、Zhengzhou where sales have Jinxin Cross stitch package!───郑州什么地方有卖金鑫十字绣的套装!

15、Musical Instrument Cross Stitch bassoon oboe +!───乐器跨针巴松管双簧管+!

16、I think the traditional painting and calligraphy, rise more powerful because cross - stitch.───我认为传统书画的保值 、 升值功能更强.

17、As is known to all , most of all to do cross - stitch match boxes.───众所周知, 大部分做十字绣的都要配框.

18、I am washing your cross stitch.───我在洗你的十字绣。

cross stitch相似词语短语

1、moss stitch───起毛线圈


3、chains stitch───链式缝法

4、cross stitches───十字缝;十字针法

5、to cross-stitch───十字绣



8、close stitch───密针脚



十字绣(cross stitch),英[krɔs stitʃ]、美[krɔs stɪtʃ] ,是用专用的绣线和十字格布,利用经纬交织的搭十字的方法,对照专用的坐标图案进行刺绣,任何人都可以绣出同样效果的一种刺绣方法。



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