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succumb to(succumbing to中文翻译,succumbing to是什么意思,succumbing to发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

succumb to(succumbing to中文翻译,succumbing to是什么意思,succumbing to发音、用法及例句)

succumbing to

succumbing to发音

英:  美:

succumbing to中文意思翻译



succumbing to双语使用场景

1、To seek persistent disequilibrium means that one must chase after disruption without succumbing to it, or retreating from it.───寻求持续的不平衡意思就是,一个人在崩溃之后也要必须继续追逐梦想,决不能屈服,或是逃避。

2、Japan offers a good example of how much debt a developed country can handle without succumbing to inflation.───日本为发达国家如何处理债务而又不造成通胀做出了榜样。

3、Stuff will not enrich your life. It's so very easy to find yourself "keeping up with the Joneses" , succumbing to lifestyle inflation.───物质不会丰富你的生活,很快你就发现自己在跟别人攀比,开始屈从于膨胀的生活方式。

4、Dooku escaped, with the Jedi aware of his succumbing to the dark side, but yet still unaware of his Sith allegiance.───杜库逃走了,绝地也知道他已经屈服于黑暗面,但仍然不知道他效忠于西斯。

5、She lived just long enough to get the news before succumbing to kidney disease that August.───八月,她最终死于肾病,但为了得到这条消息,一直坚持到生命的尽头。

6、Her husband was severely injured, later succumbing to his wounds. He was one of 23 people killed in the attack.───她的丈夫受到重伤,后来因为伤势严重死亡。他是在袭击中丧生的23人之一。

7、This kind of holistic approach to server virtualization is necessary to reap the benefits of the technology without succumbing to the perils of virtual sprawl.───服务器虚拟化的这种整体方法对于从该技术获取效益来说是很有必要的,而不会面临虚拟蔓延的危险。

8、One by one, Katarn defeated them, though in his aggressive strikes, he came dangerously close to succumbing to the dark side of the Force.───卡塔恩将他们一个一个地击败,但他霸气十足的攻击也让自己危险地接近原力黑暗面的边缘。

9、You try to avoid succumbing to a superstition, but then at the last minute you decide to follow through, just for good measure.───你尽量避免屈从于某个迷信,但是在最后一秒的时候你又会决定服从它,使自己心安。

succumbing to相似词语短语


2、amounting to───总计



5、tumbling to───v.恍然大悟


7、coming to───v.想起;共计

8、sticking to───v.坚持;粘住

9、according to───根据,按照;取决于;据…所说



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