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readout(read out中文翻译,read out是什么意思,read out发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

readout(read out中文翻译,read out是什么意思,read out发音、用法及例句)

read out

read out发音

英:[ˈriːd aʊt]  美:[ˈriːd aʊt]

英:  美:

read out中文意思翻译



v.读出器,读出( readout的过去式和过去分词 ); 大声朗诵,宣读; 读出

read out常用词组:

digital readout───[计]数字读出;数字尺

read out双语使用场景

1、My stomach churned as the names were read out.───名单一宣布,我就觉得胃里翻腾得难受。

2、After the will has been read out, angry exclamations aroused.───遗嘱宣读完之后, 激起一片愤怒的喊声.

3、When we read out 4.23, we say " four point two three ".───我们把4.23读作 四点二三.

4、The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.───证供被呆板地在庭上宣读了一遍。

5、The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.───证据被当庭呆板地宣读了一遍。

6、When he had finished his roll on the drum, the town - crier read out his notice.───镇上传达公告的人打完了他的这通鼓以后, 就朗诵告示.

7、The announcer read out this budget of disaster with that BBC calm.───广播员宣布这一系列倒霉消息时,用的是英国广播公司的镇静口吻.

8、An important notice will be read out to the students.───一份重要通知将对学生们宣读.

9、She read out the letter to all of us.───她把那封信念给我们大家听.

10、The teacher often read out her compositions in class.───老师经常把她的作文读给全班听.

11、She read out the list in sharp, clipped tones.───她清脆快速地宣读了名单。

12、He began to read out loud.───他开始大声读起来。

13、Before the meeting started its work , the minutes of the last meeting were read out.───会议开始之前, 先宣读了上次的会议记录.

14、First the secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting.───首先秘书宣读了上次会议的记录.

15、Read out the names.───大声把名字念出来.

16、Read out the follwing short dialogues.───朗读下面简短对话.

17、These lines make far more sense when declaimed than when simply read out.───这些台词用朗诵比起单纯的读效果要好得多.

18、The machine will read out the result of the calculation.───机器将读出计算结果.

read out相似词语短语



3、heard out───听完

4、reads out───读出(readout的第三人称单数)

5、ad out───n.(Adout)人名;(法)阿杜

6、spread out───展开;铺开;伸张

7、read outs───宣告开除;把…读出


9、reach out───vt.伸出



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